Tata Manza QJD 80,000 Kms Ownership Review (Finally, Clutch Issue Resolved)

Thread Starter #46
Feb 3, 2012
Deccan Plateau
Re: 9 Months Old Tata Manza – 3,000 Kms Ownership Review

@ rudolf, the notorious belt noise, was like , a metal vessel is rubbed againest similar vessel, repeatedly, it use to come at the time of takeoff, and not during idling., in manza it is absent.

Your car noise is 'diesel grunt' probably, it is present in my manza also

Elbow rest is inbuilt in your manza door also.

However, steering wheel adjusment feature was removed from aura at the time of ' new' Bs4 launch (apr 11), mine is 'new 'aura bs3.
Jun 22, 2011
Re: 9 Months Old Tata Manza – 3,000 Kms Ownership Review

Good going Tornado,
Who’s is your car accessories buddy in NIBM,
and last but not least pls post pictures
Oct 20, 2011
Re: 9 Months Old Tata Manza – 3,000 Kms Ownership Review

@ rudolf, the notorious belt noise, was like , a metal vessel is rubbed againest similar vessel, repeatedly, it use to come at the time of takeoff, and not during idling., in manza it is absent.

Your car noise is 'diesel grunt' probably, it is present in my manza also

Elbow rest is inbuilt in your manza door also.

However, steering wheel adjustment feature was removed from aura at the time of ' new' Bs4 launch (apr 11), mine is 'new 'aura bs3.
Oh thanks for the clarification about noise. Thats what the Mechanic also told. I checked with other Manzas present in service station. The similar noise was coming during idling, so I got convinced. As you told the old Manzas had the steering wheel adjustment. Now that you told it refreshed my memory.
Can you post pictures of your Manza as well so we can appreciate your review more.
Thread Starter #49
Feb 3, 2012
Deccan Plateau
Re: 9 Months Old Tata Manza – 3,000 Kms Ownership Review

Soon, pics are coming, still learning to load them.

@ powerpacked, accessories shops are 'sony car accessories, motor arts at nibm, and bafna at ghole road.

@ rudolf , manza was launched four times, silently with feature reductions, and subtle additions, so as to accomodate the prices of catalytic converter , and survive the competition. My' new aura' is former one, while your ' new aura' is latest one, .Older auras were even more feature packed.!
Thread Starter #50
Feb 3, 2012
Deccan Plateau
Re: 9 Months Old Tata Manza – 3,000 Kms Ownership Review

My old indigo was never taken to TASS in its first 85000 km running, all services were done at a local mecanic, I never needed to open the bonnet, .No niggles whatsoever, no loose plastic s, nothing coming off, no annoying noises, believe me , I came to know about tata niggles only on net!

I wanted to go for paint protection treatment.
I hated , teflon coating for being brutal, they remove the transperant coat on the paint,
, sometiimes, they trap the swirl marks on paint, while applying the teflon coat, and the charges are also high.

I got the 11 step paint protection + restoration process done at, the car lounge located at Wanworie.
Results were awesome, no hard water stains were left, sealent coat applied was so nice to touch that felt like kissing the car, no new finger prints possible, all swirl marks gone,
No new nail marks possible, in door handle area, The guy saved some crevices, but they give second free polish topup, after six months, so did not bothered much.

Total bill Rs 3000/-.[clap]

Got the powerwindow ' upmodule' fitted . i.e. windows get automatically uprolled, when you remote lock the car. So no frowning at the passenger who left it downrolled, No entry for rain and thief , when one has to leave the car in an emergency.

Also, usefull for preswithoff iddling.[clap]

By now car had covered 600 km.My son realised that no long trip is possible with me, called his gf , went to our Sangli farm house.

They retuned back after 8 days , Odo-1300 km, fe reading-18 km/lit.

So it was my first visit to TASS, for' servicing'

TATA ' S ATTEMPT TO GO JAGUAR WAY, afa ASS is concerned.-Newspaper.

Coming back soon.
Thread Starter #51
Feb 3, 2012
Deccan Plateau
Re: 9 Months Old Tata Manza – 3,000 Kms Ownership Review

Venue: National Autowheels TASS, PUNE. Date 12 or 13 jan,12, 9:30 am

Watchman received us, receptionist confirmed prior appointment, offered me tea,
SA ( somshankar) came immediately ,
I said no problem with the car, explained dealer owes me plastic panel, rubrail clip, he said that he will get it done.

I asked for 'Tata' s value added service' i.e. sound deadening pads, he called up the concerns & said that he will get it done.

He called up me at 4pm, said car is ready. I reached there at 5 pm.
He told me that sound deadening guy did not came to day, bring the car tomorrow for the same

About plastic, he said, its out of stock now, [demand: supply ratio], he will call me asa its available.

I cursed my self for forgetting to tell him, not to wash the car, in the morning itself.
Hard water stains were back, all over, leading to refractory errors,

GM workshop [pareira], a 15 year experienced die hard TASS man, saw it, and felt sad, And I felt bad.
He could not express , his feeling s about rest of the things to the SA., and he left for a meeting.[showroom & workshop gets closed at 6 pm]

I went inside, where SA s were sitting, I had confusion in my mind about Running-in period,
SA said, do not cross 80 km/hr.
I asked, how long?
ANS : it is for lifelong period, you must have read on E way that the speed limit is 80 km.

Other SA rescued him, saying that running-in is done at factory only!
Another senior one, rescued both of them, saying that the Running-in is done at the time of PDI, neither the factory nor the custemer' s bussiness.
I wanted to see the pdi man, he was not ther e.

So I ran amock, only to return back next morning.
friend s , could not insert smilies here as only two are allowed, And the word' smilies' would contradict the scene.
Coming back soon...
Thread Starter #52
Feb 3, 2012
Deccan Plateau
Re: 9 Months Old Tata Manza – 3,000 Kms Ownership Review

Excellent writeup buddy,
powerpacked said:
Got 9 Months Old Tata Manza – 3,000 Kms Ownership Review[/B] ''
Is misleading could you please change it to like Purchased March 11 manufactured Maza or something like that.

@ moderators, It will be helpful , if you can, send me meaning of all post icons, and smilies in brief, so that I can refrain from posting wrong ones. As I can not undestand all of them.

If it is nessesary to change the thread name, please do so.
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Thread Starter #53
Feb 3, 2012
Deccan Plateau
Re: 9 Months Old Tata Manza – 3,000 Kms Ownership Review

@ rudolf , manza was launched four times, silently with feature reductions, and subtle additions, so as to accomodate the prices of catalytic converter , and survive the competition. My' new aura' is former one, while your ' new aura' is latest one, .Older auras were even more feature packed.!
@ rudolf , if you go through manza pics, posted by, ilango[speed thirst], on TAI, you will surprise to see grey noir 'Aqua' model loaded with inbuilt music system., rear armrest, glovebox light [gun] DELIVERED IN 2010 JULY. Costing 625 k otr pune.
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Thread Starter #54
Feb 3, 2012
Deccan Plateau
Re: 9 Months Old Tata Manza – 3,000 Kms Ownership Review

Tata's attempt to go Jaguar way

Next morning , SA comleted the installation work of ' sound deadening ' in 3 hr.[ they open the door panels, inner synthetic covers of bonnet and boot lid, stick the sd pads to metal.
Immediate result--

1) bonnet's inner cover fixing clips, found broken, missing.
2) screw hole consealing plastic caps misplaced
3) small rubber button type door shock absorbers were lost.were out of stock also
4) do not know wheather, the sd pads were fixed properly or not, but already low noise level reduced a bit more.
5) loose rubrail button, was not tightened from inside.
When GM came to know that about pending plastic and rubrail issue since PDI, he asked SA to bring double sided '3m 'sticking (Tata has tie up with 3 m) & try to fix then front windshield plastic panel (rs 100/-worth)
When 3m tape failed , GM asked for pidilite feviquick. (Pidilite advt.- it can join everything except broken hearts) , that also broke my heart.[cry]

And here, TATA GOES 'JUGAAD'WAY rather than JAGUAR.[frustration]

About wash quality , GM asked SA (somshankar) to get my concerns on paper,

Today also SA had tried to take my signature on' custemer satisfaction about work done' form before comencement of work. He did not bother to follow the last instruction given by his boss.

I felt sad for Mr.Ratan Tata., how these NAW TASS men are spoiling his reputation and name, during his last few days left in TML.

While leaving, I asked one showroom man to get the Water softening plant installed, for car wash, and charge according ly. But, I think he has also got the sound deadening pads system installed,.in the ears ¡
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Dec 16, 2011
New Delhi
Re: 9 Months Old Tata Manza – 3,000 Kms Ownership Review

Hi Tornado,

How much did they charge you for Sound Damping for ur Manza.....

As i am also inclined towards sound damping, just to isolate myself from outside and also to hear great thump from the speakers...
Thread Starter #56
Feb 3, 2012
Deccan Plateau
Re: 9 Months Old Tata Manza – 3,000 Kms Ownership Review

[frustration]@ tornado78, They charged me rs 2600,+ loss of rubber, plastic clips +1&1/2 day., After half an hr., window panes started making noise while rolling up down, somewhat similar to door opening of an ancient palace as showen in Ramsay Bandhu Bollywood movies. Also sun films started peeling off from its top edge

I have heard that, outside, you can get it for half the price. Please enquire at 3m showroom. also observe the proceedings personally.
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Jul 28, 2011
Re: 9 Months Old Tata Manza – 3,000 Kms Ownership Review


Congratulations for the Manza.

There is a certain blind spot near the lower end of then A pillar, in manza. It is not there in old indigo, because it is provided with a seperate small glass there,
That blind spot is not just at the lower end. I feel that the entire A pillar acts as a blind spot while turning. May be because of the thick pillar.
Thread Starter #58
Feb 3, 2012
Deccan Plateau
Re: 9 Months Old Tata Manza – 3,000 Kms Ownership Review

Thanx alot,@ auto safari, I do agree with you, we can label it as a blind pillar, but the space inside allow s us to move our head side ways to convert the blind pillar in to a blind spot.
Thread Starter #59
Feb 3, 2012
Deccan Plateau
Re: 9 Months Old Tata Manza – 3,000 Kms Ownership Review

[]On Jan 17,2012, Manza had completed running- in period. I and my family were going to attend a wedding at chandni chowk pune, the route chosen was mumbai-banglore highway via khed shivapur.

As we approached the highway, I remembered that I had to Rev the car bellow 2 k rpm during running in, so today I was going to test the turbo.

I was driving in a sedate fashion till date,, We were four people inside, I gradually increased the speed, It was 2k rpm and 70 km\hr on the speedo. I shifted the gear to the fifth , then gently pressed the pedal to raise the rpm to 2500 i.e. fully charged the turbo, and in result felt as if the car has received some super fuel energy, firing of the engine changed to true racing car, car cruised ahead. I realised that was the turbo kick, it was not all of sudden like Verna, but a smooth and quick transformation of a sedan in to a beast.We cruised ahead leaving behind all the mediocrity on the road., to enter new katraj tunnel[probably longest on this highway] and crossed it within no time.
My son declared that the car is moving @130, my wife sitting on rear sofa praised Etios for its central location of speedo meter, I had no option but to slow down after we crossed the Z shapped bridge, there was very little bodyroll, I saluted Ratan Tata [angel]for bringing this humanised beast in indian auto market at such an affordable price.

to be continued...
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Dec 16, 2011
New Delhi
Re: 9 Months Old Tata Manza – 3,000 Kms Ownership Review

Wow a nice write up, kindly share your views on Fuel effeciency and inform me about the sound deading work they have performed on your car and what price point...
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