guys need one suggestion
i was talking to person regarding modified bolero or gypsy . now we know gypsy is petrol where as bolero is diesel .
i was telling him that 75% time my car would be on proper road only 25% will be worst road specially travelling between different different factory .
So i don't want hardcore offroad car but decent comfortable and if possible less noisy(really hate diesel sound of my safari like truck but still love it) car which don't say no to those roads .
he said me then definitely you need petrol . so gypsy is perfect for you but its not comfortable as you want .SO it need suspension work .
i then google lot about suspension of gypsy but didn't find good answer . every where i see people saying not suitable for person like me
![Cry [cry] [cry]](
i know you guys must be thinking me as mad person who buying gypsy but not using for offroad but that's way i am and also i wanted car which look like way i want and cheapest way to fullfill my dream of owning totally different car from others ,also mean and aggressive looking car
![Big Smile [:D] [:D]](
max. investment i am thinking 5L(4.50L after selling safari + 50K mine
![Evil [evil] [evil]](
) which means 2L(second hand gypsy) + 3L(modification) .
i already Email autopsyche . will see what they say .
So should i still go for gypsy