Maruti Ertiga VS Mahindra Xylo

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Which is better?

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Sep 18, 2013
Both the quanto and Ertiga has worst last row seats. Agree it can't come close to Ertiga, but are you into motorsports with your Ertiga?Common I already told you these are not made for speeds. There is an MPV from Tata called Venture and if you know of it, then this comment wouldn't have come.
Well, you feel it has worst 3rd row because you are very tall, now thats your personal problem just leave that! For me it's the best designed 3rd row with better thigh support and leg position than the ladder frame MPV's. Dont compare these seats with the Quanto's jumpy jumpy seats!
Not motorsports [;)], but we normally go at 120kmph max on any good highway, at it suits perfectly and it can handle more speeds too! I do not consider the TATA VENTURE in this category as it is basically a van with premium package! But no doubt Enjoy is second only to the Xylo in terms of space!
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Jun 13, 2013
I had a power failure so by mistake I clicked the submit button twice , I have reported the mods hope they will delete the second post
Any way the previous post was like reading insurance company papers where they will read the documents before signing and it will be of pages. But the end would be you will just sign them. [lol]. Happy Diwali
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Feb 28, 2012
Any way the previous post was like reading insurance company papers where they will read the documents before signing and it will be of pages. But the end would be you will just sign them. [lol]. Happy Diwali
I know metaphors are used to make things easy to understand , first time knew they can be used effectively to confuse and get confused too [cry] . Wish you a enlighted diwali with lot of peace and happiness and million miles for your ertiga . [:D]
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Aug 24, 2009
Dubai / Mumbai
Dear DJ Bro, sorry to quote your post from here, which says -

So you don't want easy car like handling? ok! U are definitely not getting the worth of your valuable 10 lakhs! sorry to say this!
If you were naturally going for the Duster, why did you ask our suggestions? You could have just taken a TD and decided for yourself instead of wasting the time of us sensible people! Anyway have a nice experience! congrats!
Now, it is Vindan's choice whether he wants car like handling or truck like ruggedness! Priorities differ and not everyone demands efficiency and car like feel like you do. It is high time you understand that. Even Autocar India says that!

Secondly, even though even I am not a fan of the Duster, saying that the car is not worth the 10 Lacs again depends on what Vindan wants in his car and how he associates value with money. Remember, it is not YOU buying the car, he has his own choices.

Thirdly, he asked suggestions because he wanted to know the pros and cons of each vehicle. That does not automatically mean he will buy a car which "The DJ Bro" suggests. He may ask you thousands of questions on the Ertiga, still buy a Duster. If you cant digest that fact, dont bother replying in such threads because not everyone in this forum is going to buy an Ertiga! Simply because Ertiga is a nice vehicle, but not the perfect vehicle ever built by mankind. It does not cater to all segments of the Indian market.

Finally, "sensible people" dont talk like this in an open forum. If you think it is waste of time simply because he did not buy the vehicle of your choice, it is foolishness. Is it a crime to buy a vehicle of his choice and not your choice? If you feel you are wasting your time, do no bother replying in such threads. Or put a clear DISCLAIMER stating that anyone asking your help or advice strictly needs to buy the car you suggest!

P.S.: No offence to you personally.
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Sep 18, 2013
Finally, "sensible people" dont talk like this in an open forum. If you think it is waste of time simply because he did not buy the vehicle of your choice, it is foolishness. Is it a crime to buy a vehicle of his choice and not your choice? If you feel you are wasting your time, do no bother replying in such threads. Or put a clear DISCLAIMER stating that anyone asking your help or advice strictly needs to buy the car you suggest!
I did not mean exactly that. I meant that inspite everyone saying that Duster is not value, he went for that and that too base version for 10 lakhs! I said, "if anyway you are going to waste money, why asking us?" Ok just leave it! I wouldn't have worried even if he had gone for Scorpio. I say it was a wrong choice!
Aug 24, 2009
Dubai / Mumbai
I did not mean exactly that. I meant that inspite everyone saying that Duster is not value, he went for that and that too base version for 10 lakhs! I said, "if anyway you are going to waste money, why asking us?" Ok just leave it! I wouldn't have worried even if he had gone for Scorpio. I say it was a wrong choice!
Sorry buddy if I sounded rather harsh at the heat of the moment.

Lets avoid a debate on this matter. Happy Diwali to you and your family.
Jun 13, 2013
Owning an Ertiga from 5 months and clocked 13k with 70% on highways and 30% city driving.

Overall, i am very very happy with the every aspect of ertiga.

Comparing Ertiga and Xylo, i vote for Ertiga. I personally feel that Ertiga is a gud family car. I somehow have an taxi image on Xylo. Looks wise, the front view of Ertiga is not so great but side view is very gud. No offences but the back door of Xylo reminds me of a temple door.

Though i have many reasons to favour Ertiga, main reasons to avoid Xylo are its poor looks and lack of refinement. Refinement and looks made me come to a conclusion of Ertiga as a family car, Xylo as a taxi................No offences, its purely my view.

Here i am not getting much into the comparision as i have not used Xylo( except couple of times to tirupati). One thing i definitely agree is the bouncy ride on highways....we had atleast 2 members having severe motion sickness

Your choice ultimately depends on your requirement and Its purely up to what you like. Hence i am mentioning of what i liked in Ertiga

Engine & PowerPeople may complain about the under powered engine but for me i upgraded from a hatch with turbolag, i got used to tackle that and never felt under powered. My I20 was definitely a power horse but of course it was a 4 seater, Ertiga is a 7 seater. To my surprise, fully loaded Ertiga didn't have much of a difference on the perormance

Space: Though i am being a bit lengthy in this, i would like to share my views as space was being an important factor through out this thread.

I am 6.1 tall and never felt cramped in driving seat and 2nd row. Infact i was there on 3rd row for 350km( with 2nd row slided to my comfort). I never felt uncomfortable on third row, neither did the ones sitting in 2nd row complained about lack of space. When you are 5 and silde back the 2nd row completely, here you will fall in luv with this LUV. It may sound an exaggeration but to be frank while taking the TD, the comfort at this position drove me to confirm my choice.
I use the 7 seating occasionally( when i go to my home town, twice a month) and am very happy with the space/options. Previously we had to take both my Dad's car and my I20 if we had all had to move. With Ertiga, we move in single. Other than that, i use it as a caaaaar( nissan sunny style) with loads of boot( will remove the 3rd row headrests)

I beg to seriously differ about the space cruch at 3rd row.

Ride quality Ride quality is very good and am extremely happy with the maneuverability and handling. Driving it in Hitech city traffic in HYD for most of the week, i am very much happy with Ertiga

FE & costs Initially i was thinking of stretching my budget by a bit more and going for Innova( considering its unmatched comfort & durability). I am a bit heavy driver with upto 2.5 to 3k KM per month and hence ruled out Innova. So you might now guess my satisfaction levels of Ertiga's FE. On highway i get an average of 22, and city i get 16( inspite of hell lot of traffic).

Here i would like to mention a interesting aspect. My previous car was I20 Diesel magna which is an absolute power horse. On highways and Outer Ring Road of HYD, i used to clock 160 plus many a time. The FE was obviously lower. On ertiga, as i can see dynamic FE, i changed my driving habits and now very rarely cross 130. This benefited me either ways, Safety & good FE. I am very happy with this aspect too....i agree that any car with this feature would have done the same change.

Now, the aspect which i don't like on Ertiga.

The build quality is good but not upto the mark for a 11L price tag. Having owned an I20 before, i am somehow not 100% happy with the plastics

Turbolag is a bit which i wouldn't have preferred. In stop and go traffic, this is a bit clumsy. This was the main reason that i took 3 TD's before going with Ertiga. But as my driving is 70% on highway's( it's very good performer on highway - again, as i changed my driving habits, i am pretty happy with highway behavior) and it is not too much of an irritation, i am living with it without any serious discomfort.

One special thing to mention is previously when i was using I20, i rarely saw any one crossing me on highways). Now, its the other way round.....not that Ertiga isn't capable.....but it just changed me to a matured driver..Thanks to LUV
Jun 13, 2013
Guys, i would request not to compare the build qualities of Tata's( to be particular) & Mahindra's with Suzuki

I recently went to have a TD of Safari storme for my friend.

Berofe they could get the vehicle, we were checking the display vehicle and had to absorb some weird shocks.

There's an 12V socket at the rear and a cover for it. I am damn sure, leave a 1 yr old baby at that and she can break it off in a minute.....the cheap chinese mosquito bats would have better quality i should say.

The cover on the spare wheel release bolt was out of place and wasn't getting in properly.....the executive tried to put it in place by force.....whack, the pin's which hold it in place broke....[surprise]

There was an fuel lid opener( manually) at the rear. You just see how id is put in there, i bet any one would have a 2nd opinion on the fit and finish quality of Tata's. There was some foam put in there, the Sales executive had tough time to tow it back to position. Now the interesting aspect................i asked why a second fuel lid opener is give. He told me that old safari had issues with fuel lid and at time wouldn't open, hence a 2nd one given. [shock]

First thing that came to my mind was...........if it is true, why the heck wasn't the lid opening bug not fixed at the first place?

These are a few..........finally after the TD vehicle arrived, we went for a drive.....2 km through, the AC went off.........imagine what a kind of opinion u wud get on a brand?

I absolutely agree that Tata's and Mahindra's are the most abused lot on indian roads......but i feel the build quality is too poor for personal use
Aug 24, 2009
Dubai / Mumbai
I absolutely agree that Tata's and Mahindra's are the most abused lot on indian roads......but i feel the build quality is too poor for personal use
We were talking about build strength, that is the durability of the sheet metal. You are confusing it with quality of cabin, plastics, fit and finish, etc.
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