What a start to a sought after weekend!

Sell Car

Thread Starter #1
Jul 6, 2010
I was returning from Cubbon Park to my airport road residence, and at while getting onto the airport road at the Command Air Force Hospital Junction, the corner of my eye caught the sight of a couple of bikes being hit (by what, I was not sure) and one of the riders rolling under a bus, at the signal on the opposite side of the road (i.e - The one going towards the main district of the city. (Lifestyle etc.). I shouted at my dad to pull over, and we walked towards the junction, where a crowd had gathered on the footpath. I could see a badly bashed Yamaha FJ S & the rider who had rolled under the bus on the other side, writhing in pain. On the footpath, I saw a man in his 20s in a state of delirium, with traces of blood on his mouth. On closer observation, I noticed his knee was badly gashed. The people around were asking him for his relatives'/friends' phone number but he was unable to reply. I asked my dad, why not take him to the hospital, and he told me to wait a while. I told him that if no one took the guy to the hospital in the next 5 minutes, we would have to take him. Next to this guy was a slightly damaged Enticer.
Meanwhile, the FZ S guy was writhing in pain, and we crossed to attend to him, as he was almost alone, and talked to him. He was one of those 'techie kinda guys' and told us that his back was hurting badly, and that he was standing at the signal (the red light), and that some vehicle hit him from behind, and he fell off and doesn't remember much. I told him he'd almost fallen under the bus. When asked for help, he said he'd called his friend, and he would reach soon. There was plently of debris from the FZS on the road, and I had to kick away parts of the fender and lights from the road.
The FZ S rider thanked me, and at the same time, we saw the other guy being lifted into a rickshaw. We then left.

Now, when I tried remembering what happened, I remember that the only vehicle I saw behind them after the accident was an Indicab, and that the cabbie was one of those trying to help at 1st. He seems to have slunk away later, with his cab. I only I'd been a bit more cautious[frustration].

What a way to start a weekend badly waited for! Any way, my parents say they're proud of me.

Many people in BAngy don't seem to have any road sense at all.[frustration]
Oct 23, 2009
That is another bad incident! The thing is some people only prefer watching the accident , only few people do the needful like first aid and stuff.

Luckily when i was involved in an accident , people helped us!

The situation is almost same throughout India , leave alone Bangalore!
Thread Starter #3
Jul 6, 2010
Yeah. You are right. However, apart from us, they were some Tamilians and their Zen who came to the rescue.
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