SS 2000k & BB 2500k

Thread Starter #1
Feb 23, 2011
Story about an Attempt to complete SS 2000k & BB 2500k.

I'm not sure how many have attempted or tempted to attempt the SS 2000k.
Much bigger question is how many actually completed it.
What if all this is tried on the so called puny 150cc bike which Yamaha makes and calls Baby R1 ( AKA R15).

The details of the story, screenplay, producer, cast will be revealed in the next few days as a serial.

One post will be presented for each weekday to make it interesting.
Each post will have details between 2 stops.
So stay tuned.
Thread Starter #4
Feb 23, 2011
The Story

Two Guys planned an IBA ride in 2009.
Six months of planning and close to 20k of expenditure per Bike/Machine combo was their effort.
They did some trial runs of the entire stretch.

The Result -

They successfully completed it in a good 22 hours.
They did comfortably without any dramas.
They had all the proofs & everything.
However the start & end witnesses went on missing.
They were fuel station attendants who were kicked off from the Petrol bunk due to some gufla they did.
Now they don't have the witnesses in spite of having everything in place.
So technically even though they were the first to complete a documented ride of 1784 kms in 21 hours and 55 minutes from south they are not certified by IBA.

They were down for an year or so.
Then again the Keeda for IBA started.
They thought of different permutaions & combinations for another six months.
Both of them discussed again & planned different routes.
Finally one guy was to try a different route as the earlier route was far off & witnesses can become a problem again.
So he needed to do the recce of the SS 1600k.
The plan is from Hyderabad to Erode Via Madanapalle & return back in the same route.
Set out on one fine evening and did 840kms in 9 hours & 48 mins.
He stopped for a quick reconditioning of the bike along with fuel.
This time he had all the documents in place & started his return journey.
1150km in 15 hours & then a traffic jam.
Now he gets stuck there due to an accident 2km away & waiting for the traffic to clear.
finally when the traffic clears he lost close to 2 hours & did only 4 kms.
So now the task is to complete 550 km in only 7hours including fuel stops.
Very much do able.
However he felt he may be just on the edge all the time & may become too risky as he did not have sleep for 23hours by then.
Further 7 hours would make it 30hours & he may not be able to concentrate the way he was in the earlier part of the ride.
So he called of the ride, took a hotel & slept.

Now after the second failed attempt the determination went higher.
As usual like the saying Kutte ki Dhoom tedi hi hoti hai -
One more trial was planned.

This time the plan was -
To take NH7 - Hyderabad - Banglore - Kanyakumari- Coimbatore for the SS 1600k.
Take a break of 3-4 hours in Coimbatore & continue to Hyderabad Via Banglore to complete the BB 2500k.

As usual took a good nap in the afternoon & started at around 10 in the night.
Start time was 22:33 and the journey started.
At 18:49 he was in Coimbatore.
Called up a friend who is the witness there & completed the documentation.
That was as planned.
However he was very tired now.
He planned a quick nap & set his alarm for 3 hours without snooze ( Alarm will not repeat).
He thought if he can wake up with one alarm he'll go else He'll sleep and enjoy only the effects of completion.
The alarm went on as per time.
However he woke up after a full 10 hours later.
So he had the SS 1600k under his kitty.
Then he called up his partner & gave him the details.

Now the twist came up while he was preparing the documentation.
He completed 1720km in Just above 20 hours.
He noticed that with a little more planning he might have completed more than 2000 kms in 24 hours.
This will be a SS 2000k which no INDIAN completed till now & that too on INDIAN soil.
As you say more is never enough he planned another ride which is only the 2000k.

The Planning for this started with a round trip of the route to check the best possible times to hit the respective sectors, the Filling stations etc.

Now a new problem came up.
Vitamin M.
He approached different companies with the proofs of his earlier attempt & his rides.
Finally one company came forward for sponsoring him.
So he informed his friend about the same & they decided to give it a shot.
Only 1 bike was being sponsored so this guy has to set out for the task all alone again.

Rest of the story tomorrow.
Till then enjoy!!!!
Thread Starter #5
Feb 23, 2011
The Next part of the story - Bike set up

Now the interest was on the Saddle sore 2000k & if Possible Bun Burner 2500k.
SS 1600k is history now.
Not even planning for the certification.
Done twice - once without proper & one with all witnesses.
So again the whole planning changes for the Ride.
Fuel stops, Turning points etc.
To add to the confusion the Bike is also getting changed.
That means the range of the bike, top speeds, average speeds & most importantly the parts which would Pain are also going to change.

Did I write change in the bike??
Yes that is right.
The Bike is also different now.

Too many changes.

Now again trial runs to get average speeds, Paining points in the body & range has to be done.
So once again on to the task.

Now time to introduce the Hero of the Whole Story -
Lets welcome the Hero - R15.
In comes the R15 and out goes the Trusted Pulsar 220 DTS-FI which saw 35k kms & did 2 SS1600k runs.

Problems with the R15 for Timed runs -
  1. Aggressive seating position,
  2. Need more changing of gears for the rider's driving style and
  3. Most importantly - low range ( More number of Fuel stops required).

Resolutions for the problems -

  1. Aggressive seating position - Take more breaks - Not possible,
  2. Need more changing of gears for the rider's driving style - may lose time & may get the left foot & hand combination strained more - Not Possible,
  3. Most importantly - low range - Tank has a capacity of close to 12.8l Upto Brim - so take a couple of extra bottles of fuel to increase the range.
    Even then the total distance between fuel stops will be less than the intended range of 500kms.

So back to Square 1.

Now enters Mr.K ( Full names will be provided in the cast) who is from the Company which is sponsoring the R15.
He said he can resolve the last 2 issues.
Frequent gear shifts & Lower mileage.
He asked the rider to ride the vehicle in the rider's own style & tell where the power characteristics need a change.
Rider finds that R15 has lower or no Torque under 5k rpm.
Between 5-7k Rider is ok. Also Rider wanted slightly more top end.
Rider also has doubts about the reliability of the R15 after sustained high speed run at the top speed.
Now Mr.K said he can resolve all these.
That was a bouncer for the rider.
Rider asks Mr.K how can he do all these?

Mr. K says he can -

Increase the torque of the Bike under 5k RPM,
Increase the torque and power at the high RPM,
Increase the RPM at which the Rev Limiter kicks in,
Decrease the temperature at which the Radiator Fan activates if required,
As a safety measure Decrease the temperature at which the High temperature warning shows up if required,
Program a shift light for optimal gear shifts,
Etc., etc.
In short change the Bike exactly as the Rider wanted with the Mileage close to 35kmpl at the high speed.

After a short 150km ride, the vehicle is back for a heart Transplant to MR. K.
Rider gives his feedback & Mr. K performs the required changes.
Now he asks rider to ride for a good 500km and come back to him.
He tells that the Fan thing was not done as it is not required and if rider finds the overheating lamp on he'll do it.

The Rider sets out and does a 600 km ride and returns to Mr. K.
The Feedback -
Mileage increases from 31.5 to 33.2,
High Temperature lamp did not come up,
Top Speed increased from 144 to 147.
Overall it may not be able to meet the requirements.

Mr. K said he'll set it in a slightly different way and the gear shift indicator also at different RPM.
This as per Mr. K will increase the Mileage & top speed.
He also suggests the rider some minor changes or adaptations in the riding style.

One more trial ride of 600km ( Same route & time) and the result is -
A big smile on the Rider's Face.
Reason -

Mileage goes up to 37.4,
Top speed goes to 148.
It reaches the Top Speed much quicker too.

Mr. K Explains to the rider that initially he set the bike purely based on the Feedback & expected that a minor change in the riding style is required - not the set up.
He changed only the Gear shifting RPM but nothing else in the second set up.
That was a surprise for the rider.
Mr. K further explains that due to the usage of a bigger capacity bike for years rider got accustomed with that.
So the minor change in riding style did the trick.
Mr. K mentions that the Top Speed can be increased further but this set up is the best to meet all the requirements in optimal way.

Next Update will be very soon.
It'll have the ride plan.
Sort of tied down with work so updates are becoming a premium.
Sep 22, 2009
Man, i am hooked to this thread. It would be great if you could put up the complete writeup in one go:wink:.
Thread Starter #7
Feb 23, 2011
The Route Plan

The first ride in 2009 though completed successfully had a problem.
This made it unfit for a Certification.
So this time the plan was to first set the Witnesses right & then other things are to planned around them.

In 2009 the roads which allowed High speed Runs are only Parts of GQ & Expressways.
Come 2011 we have the GQ completed by 99.7% and the Road from Hyderabad to Kanyakumari ( Part of K2K) fully ready which allows high speed non-stop runs.

For the Recce on P220 the route chosen was -

Hyderabad - Anantapur - Madanapalle - Salem - Erode & Back.
From Anantapur to Krishnagiri the road is not a four way lane.
Still the traffic in Banglore looked like a bigger problem than the 150 odd km.
Reason - covering 150km in normal undivided highway will take close to 2hours.
Covering 75km from Devanahalli to hosur will take more than 2hours.

During the ride the first leg till Erode was good as planned doing the required 800+ km in Under 10hours.
However while returning back a traffic jam in the single road removed all chances of completing it on time.
More over Proper sleep plan was not done before the ride ( Was unable to sleep due to excitement).

Now the next recce was planned Via Banglore to take a chance.
This time the plan was -

Start by 7pm in Hyderabad,
Reach Chilamathur which is close to 480km before Midnight & fill Fuel,
Hit Banglore around 1-2am to avoid any traffic and continue,
Reach Karur by 5am ( 425 km) by 5 am & fill fuel,
Reach Kanyakumari ( 375 km), Take U turn & Fill fuel by 8:30 am,
Reach coimbatore ( 460km) by 2pm & complete the Documentation.
This completes the SS 1600k.
If possible & have enough time then take a hotel, take a nap and complete the remaining part to complete the BB 2500k.
From Coimbatore start of & hit chilamathur for fuel ( 450km) and then Hyderabad is another 480km.
This completes the BB.

Actual thing -

Started at 22:23 in Hyderabad,
Reached Chilamathur for fuel at 3am,
Hit Fog after chikballapur & lost some time,
Reached Karur after 9am.
Hit Kanyakumari at 1pm,
Hit coimbatore at 6:49pm.
Now as usual after taking the hotel the Body did not co-ordinate with the Brain & decided to take rest & the SS 1600k completed leaving BB for another day.

After returning to Banglore the next day left the bike for servicing.

While documenting noticed the chance of a SS 2000k if planned a little better & sticking to to the plan & time.
Then the sponsor thing came.
They gave their bike.
It is a R15.
It has different range.
It has a tank of only 11+ litres of usable fuel good for 350km.
Not good for the plan.
So in comes the saddle bag & 4 liters of Fuel in them extending the range by another 150km.

Now the new plan -

Start by 6pm in Hyderabad,
Reach chilamathur ( 480 km) by 10:30 pm & Fill fuel,
Cross Banglore by Mid-night to avoid traffic & fog,
Reach Karur ( 425 km) by 4am & fill fuel,
Reach Sattur (200km) in Tamilnadu by 6am use SBI ATM to do the documentation, Change engine oil & Turn Back
This completes more than 1100km.
Reach Karur (200 km) before 8:30am & fill Fuel,
Cross Banglore around Noon,
Reach chilamathur ( 425 km) before 1:30pm & fill fuel,
Reach Jadcherla ( 390km) by 5:30pm fill some fuel & complete the documentation where witnesses will be waiting,
This completes 2100km good for the SS 2000k.
Reach Home ( 100km) by 7pm take a nap for some time if able to wake up then –
Head towards Warangal and hit Mulug ( 170km) fill fuel & turn back,
Come home ( 170km) & complete the documentation.
This completes 2550 km in under 36 hours.

Did it go as planned??
Its Life.
It never goes as planned.
It is full of surprises & throws new challenges.

Now what happened on the ride is the next post.
Stay Tuned!!!
Dec 31, 2011
Interesting. Does he make it finally? Riding on R15 for long distance is a little pain. I''ve driven from Pune to Hyderabad once, just for pur pleasure at night. It took close to 5 hours 30 minutes. But then I was not doing any SS2000 or BB2500.
The two problems I had was
1. My wrist developed pain that after reaching Hyd, I couldn't use mouse (associated with PC!).
2. I couldn;t sit as my bu* started paining a lot.

Otherwise I enjoyed my ride in R15. It is a machine I love to ride anyday. I stil regret my decision to sell it.

Drive Safe!
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