To tell the truth,this is of no use for common man in a heavily populated area like India.
I agree with you, using this for commutation is not a feasible option in 90% or more areas in our country. But there are few 'planned city' kind of places in some major cities (I know some of such places in Pune) where work, home, shopping centers and eateries are all in close proximity. These along with college campuses and malls as you said, are the prospective locus for such unicycles and other self balancing mobiles in India as of today!. In future, elsewhere in India hopefully. Its not just about going green but for fun as well. Who won't love the experience of smoothly sliding along in the crowd like a superhero!
![Big Smile [:D] [:D]](
. But as you said it can't any day act as a replacement for walking or two wheelers.
@vikyjoshi, you said you will buy a Nano in place of a Segway, in that case will you buy a Volvo bus when you need a Jaguar XJ if price is the only thing that matters?
![Laugh [lol] [lol]](
. Jokes apart, these segway things are way too costly and impractical for average Indian public at present. But even now there are some comparatively cheaper (<50K) models available. Once this market expands there is a fair chance of prices coming down!. Have a look at the booming bicycle market in India, now there are plenty of takers for carbon bodied cycles that costs hundreds of thousands!. Who would have imagined such a thing to happen few years back
![Smile [:)] [:)]](
!. Cycles already surpassed that '
I would rather buy a scooter/car' phase in India!.