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guys, i have been driving two wheelers since 15 years now.there has been lots of changes in style, behaviour, specs and performance of these bikes, scooters, mopeds.When i started driving i learned to use the side rear view mirrors placed on sides of bikes, scooters to judge the side lines, side ways and for turns.Now a days what i see is that rarely people use these mirrors atleast while taking side turns or side ways,instead bend themselves while driving to see if someone's coming from the back, or just turn their head to look back before doing this and have ended up banging themselves with other vehicles or loosing balance and falling down.My question is why does people dont use those mirrors given by companies for specific usage, we dont look out of window to see someone's at the back or not from our car and do use ORVM's in four wheels perfectly, then why is two wheelers users dont follow this?