Pune to Amritsar

Sell Car

Thread Starter #1
Sep 6, 2009
My horoscope for this year said i should take up writing as a career.If i am bad at it i should attend some classes and try again and TAI is the place where i wrote my first ever review and now my first ever traveling experience.[:D]

This all began after seeing my second favorite movie JAB WE MET.My favorite actress kareena(acting as a punjaban)& some wonderful locations showed in the movie started pulling my mind.My immediate reaction after coming out of the theater was "yaar lets go to Punjab" which was laughed off.

One fine day in the college we friends were sitting & planning a short trip & suddenly the Punjab topic comes out from no where.Luckily this time it wasn't laughed off.My Sardar friend said one of his uncle stays in Amritsar and he knows the route pretty well & has traveled there by train many times.What next?We 3,4 guys who were serious about the trip exchanged devil smiles.

Later we 5 guys sat over many lunches discussing & planning about the trip & finally the dates were fixed. We would leave Pune on 12/1/09 & return on 22/1/09,the tickets were booked in October & we were eagerly waiting for the D-day.

Guys i have a lots to write about this journey,living in Punjab,etc but wanted to know how you guys would like to read it. In deep like above or short and sweet.

Awaiting you response. [cheers]
Thread Starter #2
Sep 6, 2009
Well now this is the actual traveling experience.Will keep it short and let the photos do the talk later on.

The D-day arrived soon 12/1/09,went to the college in the morning met everyone and went back home by 12:00.all the packing had been done the previous day.After all the instructions from parents we finally left home and reached the Pune station at 4:30.The train was scheduled at 5:15.We being 5 people were wondering about who 3 people would be accompanying us in our compartment(6 seats one one side & 2 on other).Went in settled at our respective places,luggage was was all set.One out of the 3 companion turned out to be a girl and one was a college guys.We had one of the best time of our life in the train.

We reached Jalandar at 5:00am & had some coffee waiting for the local train to come which was scheduled at 6:00am & finally we reached Amritsar at 8:00am in the morning.We were so tired as we dint sleep to get down on the right station and were dosing off in the local train but the moment college girls entered the train at some station our sleep just vanished.Finally reached our friends house in Atari (just 1 km away from India-Pak border) by 9:00am.We were so tied already that we just slept and the whole day passed resting.

15/1/09 - We visited the Golden Temple,jallian wala baugh & bough some Talvars,Kirpans(Sword's & mini sword's.They come with bills/permission & can be taken out on Indian with no problems at all).

16/1/09 - Was a rest day again. Here i would like to mention the thing i loved the most."THE FOOD" i never in my life have had such delicious,such tasty Alu parathas,with really soft paneer.Taza Makkhan,Dhai,chiken & everything.My mouth was actually watering while writing all this.

17/1/09 - We went to 5 major Gurudwara's.One of them is double the golden temple but not that famous.It is really close to India-Pak border.We actually went near the border fence.We could see the wires attached to the fence & in front was another fence behind which were Pak bunkers & their soldiers.Seeing the bunker on our side empty we went close & started taking snaps like idiots.In the mean time we heard a voice,The Indian solider was walking towards us fast and sayin "udau dunga bhag jao"(he will kill us run away).I looked at him & he was removing his gun(we though we were gone now,we ran like crazy & never looked back).He later came close and started shouting about the conditions on border & firing orders were given to them,etc etc.We just escaped that thing narrowly.(we were really close to the border & fences,so close that we could see the Pakistan soldiers.)Pics will be posted later.

18/1/09 - Was again a rest day with some farm traveling.We rode the bullock cart.Trust me driving cars is so much easy.We did some horse riding & what not.

19/1/09 - Was the shopping day.Really cheap & good quality cloths.Bought some shawls,etc

20/1/09 - Was the day to leave.Enjoyed the food for one last time & packed our bags.We were to leave at 4:00pm.My sardar friends granny was to come with to Pune(She was lucky for us.How?will tell you later).Went to Amritsar station at 5:00pm & took a local train to Jalandar. Reached Jalandar station (train+auto) by 9:30.

21/1/09 - The jhelum express was scheduled at 2:30am & it was fun till then.But the train arrival was not announced and were as usual cracking jokes when suddenly mt Sardar friends picked up da luggage & shouted run. We all started running with the loads of luggage.Finally after many locked doors we managed to get into the train & slept.In the morning by 10:00am we all were as usual we were passing the time.My friends granny who was sitting alone suddenly was accompanied by two sweet sisters & again we ended up having blast.

22/1/09 - Reached Pune by 4:00pm.Really enjoyed each and every moment of the trip.

Photos coming up soon.[cheers]
Aug 22, 2009
Hey i think it is an exotic trip & nice write up.

You finally suceeded by taking Writing as your Career !![thumbsup]

Waiting for the pics[cheers]
Thread Starter #4
Sep 6, 2009
well here are the snaps,

Welcome to Punjab

Khalsa College Amritsar

My Friend was so desperate to do this

Heavy and yummy Breakfast

Golden Temple

Golden Fishes in golden temple water


Posing as usual

The painting inside

Martyrs Well

Bullet holes marked on walls
It was so cold that we slept with one ''GADDI" on ourselves.

This is the biggest Gurudwara in Punjab(bigger that Golden Temple)

This guys turban weighed 2kg +


Proceeding to the empty bunker we saw for some snaps

Posing like idiots(dint knew the consequences)

Here comes the soldier saying"Uda dunga,bhag jao"

He had actually removed his gun,We guys ran like crazy.And he Returns after giving us a warning.

Gypsy's RULE here.

Entering Wagha Border.CUSTOMS AREA.

Another Board

Tight security inside.

Bus going to Pakistan & a alto car later comes to our side.

All filled up & high on energy.We were shouting on top of our voices.It is a kind ok competition everyday like who shout louder Indian Or Pakistan.All "Desh Bhakti" songs are played on both the sides.The other side in the photo is Pakistan.

Finally people posing with tall guys.


Ride in the Tractor.Check the horses behind,the driver was the owner,horse breeder.Had a imported a horse worth 50 lakhs in his farm.He even had a huge collection of guns at his place.(all working)These people carry weapons without any license.This guy had a huge sword under his seat too.

Sitting on bus roof top.(never though i would do this in life,but had no options.was the last bus.)(the conductor comes up to give the tickets later)

Hope you guys liked the photos.Had loads of them and had a tough time selecting these few.Uploading and posting so many here was one challenge specially because of my net speed but finally succeeded.[cheers]
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Aug 23, 2009
neil, great writeup and superb pictures mate, seems i do need to visit punjab for sure now.Would like to know as you said a story behind your friends nani accompanying you till pune, do share that part too.Yes a friend was there last year and all he praised was the food and food.hmm need to go soon for sure.
Thread Starter #8
Sep 6, 2009
neil, great writeup and superb pictures mate, seems i do need to visit punjab for sure now.Would like to know as you said a story behind your friends nani accompanying you till pune, do share that part too.Yes a friend was there last year and all he praised was the food and food.hmm need to go soon for sure.
Hey thanks vijay.Its a great place like shown in all movies.Everything there is so pleasant.And to add more the food taste is nothing less than that of a 5 star hotel.

Now coming to the story where my friends granny made us feel lucky was we got up late as we had slept late by 10 or something on the 21th.As we were getting ready & roaming here and there we noticed a family next to our compartment.The family had lots of members specifically two sisters (they looked so same) & a small kid with them.Now this small kid would keep on running here & there & the sisters would take him back to the seat.Then suddenly one of the sister came and sat besides my friends granny as the seat was empty.Later started a conversation with her.We guys were obviously finding reasons to look there,crack jokes(make here laugh) & what not.In the afternoon after our lunch we guys just went out too get down on the station and free our legs.The train started we guys climbed in back came to our seats & [shock] both the sisters with that small kiddo were sitting on our seats & talking with granny.Seeing us they made space,we sat down saying Hi & finally ended up you know having a great time[lol]

Even while going to Punjab there was very funny incident which clicked the conversation with the girl(she was elder than us) & we finally ended up having a blast
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Thread Starter #11
Sep 6, 2009
Thanks torque.addict,raj.[:)]

We are planning to go to chandigarh this time.Hope the plan turns out to be a successes.[;)]
Aug 22, 2009
Wow! Excellent write up. My parents were there a couple of weeks back. Though they didn't take much photos. Your photographs gave a complete picture. I wish i could make it to the Wagah border real soon.
Thread Starter #14
Sep 6, 2009
Wow! Excellent write up. My parents were there a couple of weeks back. Though they didn't take much photos. Your photographs gave a complete picture. I wish i could make it to the Wagah border real soon.
Thanks crazy.Wagah border is one hell of a place.The feeling is altogether different in there.You feel so proud of being a Indian,you just forget everything else.Here i would like to mention about the speaker(he is the guy who speaks on the mic's & gives instruction to the crowd).He motivates the people so badly that everyone just start shouting yelling our country name on top of their voices.The feeling just cant be put down in words.Do visit the place to feel it[cheers]
Aug 23, 2009
Hey thanks vijay.Its a great place like shown in all movies.Everything there is so pleasant.And to add more the food taste is nothing less than that of a 5 star hotel.

Now coming to the story where my friends granny made us feel lucky was we got up late as we had slept late by 10 or something on the 21th.As we were getting ready & roaming here and there we noticed a family next to our compartment.The family had lots of members specifically two sisters (they looked so same) & a small kid with them.Now this small kid would keep on running here & there & the sisters would take him back to the seat.Then suddenly one of the sister came and sat besides my friends granny as the seat was empty.Later started a conversation with her.We guys were obviously finding reasons to look there,crack jokes(make here laugh) & what not.In the afternoon after our lunch we guys just went out too get down on the station and free our legs.The train started we guys climbed in back came to our seats & [shock] both the sisters with that small kiddo were sitting on our seats & talking with granny.Seeing us they made space,we sat down saying Hi & finally ended up you know having a great time[lol]

Even while going to Punjab there was very funny incident which clicked the conversation with the girl(she was elder than us) & we finally ended up having a blast

ah, perfect cherry on the cake, cool!
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