Overtaking 101

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Thread Starter #1
Jan 16, 2011
Hello Guys,

I would like to dedicate a thread to Overtaking.

I follow these ground rules while overtaking:

1. Always accelerate hard while Overtaking,
2. If anyone else is overtaking me, then let go of the accelerator.
3. Always overtake from the Right ( if thats possible )

I also have a query related to overtaking,

If, on a 2+ lane road, am driving at a cruising speed of 120kmph+, and some fast car flashes or honks for a overtake, what should I do?
Should I change my lane, let him go, and then change lane back to original,?
OR, should I continue in my lane, and he shall go from my left??

Sep 12, 2009
Generally in 4 lane , the slowest must be in left
but normal practise , the overtaker zigzag and do it.

Honk twice before overtaking. keep an eye on the car indicator in front and also his window - some give hand signal. and then only IF you are confident overtake.

While in the process , if you have slightest doubt , cancel the overtake and retry

while overtaking , you must note car in front , any car in opposite direction ,
speed of on coming car, their behaviour etc



Core Team
Aug 10, 2009
New Delhi
You must alert the driver in front before overtaking – This is a basic rule of thumb. However, it does not mean to keep honking continuously and create a panic (which many usually do in India).

If, on a 2+ lane road, am driving at a cruising speed of 120kmph+, and some fast car flashes or honks for a overtake, what should I do?
Should I change my lane, let him go, and then change lane back to original,?
OR, should I continue in my lane, and he shall go from my left??
First instance certainly sounds apt. You should carefully move slightly onto the left, and allow the other car to pass by.

ilango[speed thirst];64287 said:
Generally in 4 lane , the slowest must be in left
but normal practise , the overtaker zigzag and do it. Honk twice before overtaking. keep an eye on the car indicator in front and also his window - some give hand signal. and then only IF you are confident overtake. While in the process , if you have slightest doubt , cancel the overtake and retry
while overtaking , you must note car in front , any car in opposite direction ,
speed of on coming car, their behaviour etc OVERTAKE ONLY IF YOU ARE CONFIDENT
Precise post. Well explained.

Drive Safe,
Sep 15, 2009
Hello Guys,

I would like to dedicate a thread to Overtaking.

I follow these ground rules while overtaking:

1. Always accelerate hard while Overtaking,
2. If anyone else is overtaking me, then let go of the accelerator.
3. Always overtake from the Right ( if thats possible )

I also have a query related to overtaking,

If, on a 2+ lane road, am driving at a cruising speed of 120kmph+, and some fast car flashes or honks for a overtake, what should I do?
Should I change my lane, let him go, and then change lane back to original,?
OR, should I continue in my lane, and he shall go from my left??

If you are doing 120kmph in India, Then it is illegal. And about the guy trying to overtake you while you are at that speed, He should have his head examined. Cause to do that he should be doing atleast 135kmph to make the move. One false move on his side or somebody else's, he along with his vehicle will be plastered all over the road.

If you hit a vehicle coming opposite at that speed, even a roll cage is useless, let alone air-bags and seat belts.

Anything above 80 kmph on Indian roads is dangerous with the traffic situations we have, or else you have to be on a closed circuit.

And you are not to hold traffic behind you for any reason while driving. You should let other vehicles to overtake you from your right. Also move to the left and use the left indicators to let him know that he may overtake you. Many people use their right indicator to do this and this is a big mistake.
Last edited:
Feb 15, 2010
@ Kingpin:
I disagree that you need to accelerate hard, while overtaking.

It creates a kind of panic, & you will not be confident that you are ready to overtake.

The first thing you will need to do is , make an eye contact(Honking, Or flashing lights Till he sees you) with the vehicle in front of you that you are going to overtake.

What is required is correct usage of gear and normal acceleration.

You should be at the correct gear at the correct speed.

Never Overtake at the turnings, When you cant see the road ahead.
Never overtake near Humps.

If the one in the rear is urgent to overtake you , Indicate it with your indicator, & move to your left and give way.

Thats what i follow.
Thread Starter #9
Jan 16, 2011
If you are doing 120kmph in India, Then it is illegal. And about the guy trying to overtake you while you are at that speed, He should have his head examined. Cause to do that he should be doing atleast 135kmph to make the move. One false move on his side or somebody else's, he along with his vehicle will be plastered all over the road.

If you hit a vehicle coming opposite at that speed, even a roll cage is useless, let alone air-bags and seat belts.

Anything above 80 kmph on Indian roads is dangerous with the traffic situations we have, or else you have to be on a closed circuit.

And you are not to hold traffic behind you for any reason while driving. You should let other vehicles to overtake you from your right. Also move to the left and use the left indicators to let him know that he may overtake you. Many people use their right indicator to do this and this is a big mistake.
I appreciate your concern, but I was referring to speeding on near empty highways ( early morning or late night ) like Mumbai Pune expressway, and I dont think its much to worry about. I dont speed in my santro, which is bout to handle poorly at such speeds. I do 120+ in my City i-Vtec, which is rock stabe, and am in full contol.
Sep 15, 2009
I appreciate your concern, but I was referring to speeding on near empty highways ( early morning or late night ) like Mumbai Pune expressway, and I dont think its much to worry about. I dont speed in my santro, which is bout to handle poorly at such speeds. I do 120+ in my City i-Vtec, which is rock stabe, and am in full contol.
It doesn't matter what car you are driving, speed limits are restricted to 80 kmph on most National Highways. In some states its further restricted to 70kmph. And it also doesn't matter early morning or late night. Infact early morning and late nights are far worse cause people can be half asleep while at the wheel in the wee hours. Most truck accidents happen early in the morning, Reason? Driver dozed off.

And always consider the fact that there are a lot of hazards on the road which might endanger you or others when you are doing speeds in excess of 80 kmph. Trucks coming opposite you on a four lane divided highway, Dogs, Cattle crossing, Cyclists, Jaywalkers, D.U.I drivers, the list is endless. You might be safe in a demolition derby, But you never are on the open roads.

And for your information there is no such thing as "I am in Full Control". You are driving a machine which even F1 engineers cant state is perfect. In other words if it comes with metal, rubber, bolts and nuts, It can go kaput.The sooner you realize that the better.
Thread Starter #11
Jan 16, 2011
It doesn't matter what car you are driving, speed limits are restricted to 80 kmph on most National Highways. In some states its further restricted to 70kmph. And it also doesn't matter early morning or late night. Infact early morning and late nights are far worse cause people can be half asleep while at the wheel in the wee hours. Most truck accidents happen early in the morning, Reason? Driver dozed off.

And always consider the fact that there are a lot of hazards on the road which might endanger you or others when you are doing speeds in excess of 80 kmph. Trucks coming opposite you on a four lane divided highway, Dogs, Cattle crossing, Cyclists, Jaywalkers, D.U.I drivers, the list is endless. You might be safe in a demolition derby, But you never are on the open roads.

And for your information there is no such thing as "I am in Full Control". You are driving a machine which even F1 engineers cant state is perfect. In other words if it comes with metal, rubber, bolts and nuts, It can go kaput.The sooner you realize that the better.
agreed. Hence further I shall drive within the speed limits.
Mar 2, 2011
1. Always accelerate hard while Overtaking
Could you please be more specific regarding the revving limit during overtaking? Because i have experienced this that during flat out acceleration sometimes the accelerator cables have snapped leading to a very dangerous situation. Luckily all 3 times i was at low speeds about 60kmph so braked and pulled to the side. Should we redline it or just enough to let us pass.
Aug 22, 2009
To make it clear, all you need to watch is road ahead & not your tachometer.

Its simple common sense which is going to decide everything there.

So dont burry your gas pedals just without knowing the exact scene. be gentle & once you get an clear picture then overtake at your controllable speed.
Jun 9, 2010
Except on a few highways the speed limit is only 60km/hr for cars and 50km/hr for bikes in India!

I would not like to go over 60 in an Alto in the city, but with a nicer car, such as a Fiat Linea, even 120 seems slow on the open roads. Now I realise that it is extremely dangerous driving in India at best of times, but you cannot really drive at 60 all day long.

As for the questions raised by the original poster, you should almost never put the pedal to the medal so to speak! The occupants in the car will simply panic big time. Some will even throw up if you do it often enough.

Best way to overtake someone is generally to flash the guy ahead a few times and then accelerate gently to overtake. Some drivers will start to accelerate the second you flash them. Just let them go!

Overtaking in India depends on each situation and speeds you are doing, distance and speed to oncoming traffic, the type of road you are on If you drive you car enough you will know where the power sweat spot is. Generally around half you RPM in Petrol and 1/3rd in a Diesel. That is where the maximum power is. Shifting just after this point will give you excellent smooth acceleration.

Wow this is becoming a long post!
Sep 15, 2009
Except on a few highways the speed limit is only 60km/hr for cars and 50km/hr for bikes in India!

Best way to overtake someone is generally to flash the guy ahead a few times and then accelerate gently to overtake. Some drivers will start to accelerate the second you flash them. Just let them go!
Flashing someone does not mean that he, that is the person coming opposite should stop by all means. Infact in some countries, for instance in the U.K it has the opposite meaning which is "After you" or "You First".

Flashing the lights to someone who is already very near for you to overtake can make him angry, Cause for him it is a threat and creates a sense of insecurity and you are literally declaring, " I am going to overtake, so stop and on to the shoulder with you " Its bad manners and dangerous and thats why sometimes you see people coming opposite speed up and defend their space when you do so.

Its better to overtake when there are no vehicles coming opposite, But that is starting to become next to impossible cause there are so many cars and not enough roads.

Anyways, Make the maneuver without bullying or irritating the vehicle coming opposite and do not break his momentum as far as possible. Know the limits of your vehicle well. (Braking & acceleration limits.)
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