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As many of you know that I am moving to Bangalore, need to get NOC from PCMC RTO. Since I am not a localite nor conversant with Marathi, not sure whether I will be able to get thru RTO Officers. So thinking of driving schools/agents to get this done.
Any suggestions or reliable agents you may want to refer? Need to be cautious as I need to handover the original RC Smart Card.
Enquired with a couple of Driving Schools and they are quoting Rs. 1,500 - 1,800 for this work. I know, that was my reaction too.
A friend of mine referred to contact Superseva, a paid service desk for corporates. They are charging Rs. 950 and will provide with all original bills. This includes all applicable fees and charges to their vendors and Superseva's service charge is just Rs. 25it seems. Thinking of submitting all the docs to them.
Please share your views.
As many of you know that I am moving to Bangalore, need to get NOC from PCMC RTO. Since I am not a localite nor conversant with Marathi, not sure whether I will be able to get thru RTO Officers. So thinking of driving schools/agents to get this done.
Any suggestions or reliable agents you may want to refer? Need to be cautious as I need to handover the original RC Smart Card.
Enquired with a couple of Driving Schools and they are quoting Rs. 1,500 - 1,800 for this work. I know, that was my reaction too.
A friend of mine referred to contact Superseva, a paid service desk for corporates. They are charging Rs. 950 and will provide with all original bills. This includes all applicable fees and charges to their vendors and Superseva's service charge is just Rs. 25it seems. Thinking of submitting all the docs to them.
Please share your views.