New Driving Licence Rules: RTO Driving Test Not Required

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Honoured Member
Jan 16, 2016
Many eagerly wait to turn 18 so that they can legally drive a motor vehicle and also apply for a driving license. Till now, the applicants had to approach regional RTOs for the license. The government has changed the regulations, and any individual who wants to apply for a driving license doesn’t have to go to an RTO for the driving test. He or she can now go to a private institute that is authorized to conduct such tests. The new regulation will be implemented from 1 June 2024. A notification has also been issued to inform the public.

While private institutes are allowed to take the test and issue certificates saying that the people they trained are eligible for a driving license, there are a few things these driving schools should keep in mind. Not all driving schools will be authorized to issue such certificates.

As per the new notifications, only driving schools that fulfill a set number of conditions are eligible for the same. These conditions are as follows:

Minimum Land Requirement – The institute training the new drivers should at least have 1 acre of land. In order to train in 4-wheelers, an additional 2 acres of land is required.

Access to Test Facility – The driving center should also have a suitable test facility.

Qualified Trainers – People who are training upcoming drivers or riders should at least have a high school diploma or equivalent education. Other than this, the trainer should also have at least 5 years of driving experience. Besides this, the trainers should also be aware of the fundamental biometrics and Information Technology systems.

Duration of Training – Training for lightweight vehicles should be completed in less than 4 weeks with around 29 hours of training. The training will be divided into theory and practical sections.

Heavy Vehicles – For people who are training for heavy vehicles, they should have at least 38 hours of training. This consists of 8 hours of theory class while the rest is all practical. These regulations are put in place to ensure that the driving schools maintain a high standard of education and prepare new drivers in the right manner.

The discussion to modify the current system where the individual had to visit a regional Transport Office to complete their driving test has been ongoing for a while. Along with this new regulation, the government has also decided to phase out 900,000 old government vehicles, and the authorities will also have stricter regulations to keep the emissions from cars in check.

The fine amounts for various traffic rule violations have also been revised. As per the report, the fine for speeding is anywhere between Rs 1,000 to Rs 2,000. Similarly, underage driving is a major menace in many parts of the country. If a kid under the age of 18 is caught driving, a fine of Rs 25,000 will be issued. The driving license of the vehicle’s owner will be canceled, and the minor who was caught driving will not be able to get a license until the age of 25.

The Ministry of Road and Highways also updated the documentation process to make it simpler for the applicants. As per the new rule, it differentiates between the requirements of the two and four-wheeler applicants.

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