Maruti Suzuki Raid de Himalyas 2011

Thread Starter #1
Mar 2, 2011
Raid De Himalaya 2011: Dates announced: From 8th October 2011 to 16th October 2011

Early Entry Fee Adventure: 48,000/- :Shockked:
(increased from 30,000/- last year)

Early Entry Fee Extreme: 40,000/-
(increased from 30,000/- last year)

Early entry starts from 1st of April 2011, so time now to start saving money.


Core Team
Aug 10, 2009
New Delhi
Re: Raid de Himalyas 2011

As always this is going to be one heck of an event but the significantly raised fee comes as a sudden surprise. Perhaps it is the increasing number of enthusiasts. Anybody from here in game?

Drive Safe,
Thread Starter #3
Mar 2, 2011
As always this is going to be one heck of an event but the significantly raised fee comes as a sudden surprise. Perhaps it is the increasing number of enthusiasts. Anybody from here in game?

Drive Safe,
Me and my dad. But dont know whether they allow people below 18 to contest. BTW, which SUV should be taken? Scorpio, Safari or Pajero or an old Willys jeep we have?
Thread Starter #5
Mar 2, 2011
FAQ's for 4X4's and MotoQuads

The Route….

The route for this year will be revealed in July 2011.You would be spending at least three days above an altitude of 15000ft ! On one front, these six days will test qualities of endurance, ingenuity , physical and mental toughness. On the other side will be tested, dramatically, the levels of vehicle preparation and planning for the unexpected !!

Which version of the Raid should I opt for…. how difficult is it ...

The Raid de Himalaya 2011 will run two versions, concurrently, as last year - 'X-Treme' and the "Adventure Trial".The X-Treme version on a scale of 1 to 10 would rate an 9 in terms of difficulty.The Adventure Trial version would rate a 7. It is suggested that all first timers participate in the Adventure Trial this year and then move on to the X-Treme levels next year. However this is not cast in stone and first timers may be permitted for the X-Treme version after being assessed by the "Participation Committee" of Himalayan Motorsport for competence. You are taking on the mightiest mountains in the world at altitudes where nothing much survives. You need to be physically fit and mentally strong. The unexpected lies around the next bend and it need not always be pleasant!! Our earlier "Raids" attracted a wide array of vehicles……both motorcycles and 4 wheelers. The drivers and the riders ranged from first timers to professionals. The program is drawn such that it offers a reasonable degree of challenge each day and yet allows sufficient time to recover for the next. A well-prepared car and a generally fit person can easily cope up with the rigours of our event and all that the high altitude route has to offer. "Through the night" driving is not part of the plan. We try and get to our night halts by early evening, but it is possible you may finish with headlights on, especially if you are running late. Each day normally starts just after sunrise, though this year a few Legs will be flagged off at dawn! However some competitors in past years have driven through the night when plagued with problems. Though not encouraged, this can give you a fresh perspective on life ! There is a special camaraderie that springs from long distance events, and meeting up at the end of the day is very much a part of the flavor of the event. That and the fact that the moment the sun goes down, Ladakh changes in 15 minutes from a scenic landscape to a deadly cold one, are the main reasons to get everyone safely in before sunset !

How do I prepare….

Vehicle Preparation:

The Raid Office team can help you –from the choice of car or bike, how to prepare it, personal preparations, recce plans, medical advice-you have the support of an experienced team behind you. The Raid Office is available to answer your questions. Vijay, Atul, and Manjeev- all having driven in many long distance events aim to give you as much "back-up" support for your planning as possible. Just write to Himalayan Motorsport at for any assistance. Though you may decide to take it as it comes and fix things as they break, our advice is that it is better to set off with a totally reliable car than have to seek workshops for a rebuild, halfway. You should endeavour to set off, knowing that the car has been fully prepared with all of the Raid Office advice notes taken into account by your workshop during car preparation. Finally, you are flagged off with the peace of mind of knowing that you have the support of a highly experienced organization as your back-up. Downloading the pre event scrutiny form will give you a good idea of what makes up the compulsory safety modifications that have to be made to your car or motorcycle.

Medical Preparation:

Our Medical team is highly experienced and we issue "Health Notes" in the run up to the event to help you prepare well. The medical lists will give details of what all you must carry to battle High Altitude Sickness as well as sunburn.

What cars are best.....

As this is primarily an off road marathon event any vehicle having a decent ground clearance, 4 X 4 capability and the capacity to take a beating for 7 days would be the best. Our T1 Group allows you to practically mix and match engines , gear boxes and chassis of any vehicle with another, to produce the finest tailor made weapon for this terrain !!!! However as a lot of the course is tarmac you must keep in mind that a Maruti Esteem won the event outright in 2000, being well ahead of all the 4X4 vehicles entered ! This hasn't been repeated subsequently so unless you are preparing a Baja buggy for the event stay with the 4X4 options! What needs to be done to make the vehicles ‘Raid worthy’…. The Raid Management requires that the motorcycles and 4 wheelers are prepared to internationally acceptable safety standards. The bike entrants need to prepare the motorcycles keeping in view the Regulations detailed in the National Competition Rules (NCR) under the section for two wheelers. The Supplementary Regulations provide for certain modifcations that are permitted for this event, due to the extreme nature of the terrain traversed. These will override the NCR as and where specified. It is recommended that you order your copy of the NCR by logging on to the net and mailing to order your copy of the NCR for 2 wheelers. The 4 wheel category vehicles need to follow the FiA rules which can be either downloaded from the FiA site at Federation Internationale de l'Automobile or from this link for the FiA Cross Country Vehicles Regulations. On the FiA site one should download Art 281 through to 287 for the General,Safety and Technical regulations for Cross Country Cars i.e T1, T2, and T4 for Cross Country Trucks. Adobe Acrobat 6 would be the optimum reader for the PDF Files that these documents are encoded in. The cars or trucks have to be equipped with a roll cage, 4 point seat belts, electrical cut out switch on the exterior of the vehicle, fire extinguishers and the passengers need to wear helmets. Downloading the pre event scrutiny form for cars will be of great help here.

Green Policy

In addition to our "NO OFFROAD POLICY since 2002, this year will see the first time that rally 4x4;s, cars and moto-quads will be introduced to an Environmental Scrutiny. What this means in short is that the vehicles need to be within the legal sound limits. The decibels will be measured at scrutiny. Further whenever they are parked in Parc Ferme or being repaired anywhere they will need to first spread a tarpaulin underneath to catch any oil, grease, coolant etc that they may be leaking. We need to be more careful with Mother Earth....we need to play hard but green!!! Additionally, all participants need to bring along a sleeping bag at the pre event scrutiny, without which a start will be denied. The sleeping bag needs to be suitable for temperatures as low as –10 degrees centigrade. It is compulsory to carry it on board on each day of the event.This is primarily to ensure you stay warm even on the coldest pass, in the event of a breakdown, as you wait for the sweep vehicle to rescue you !

Who can enter….

Just about anyone who has a regular driving license and obtains the Competition Driving License from the Federation of Motor Sports Clubs of India (FMSCI). This must be done well before the pre event scrutiny i.e the 28th Sept 2011. Contact us on e mail for the license forms at: or better still; Download the FMSCI Competition License Forms for 2 wheelers and the Medical Forms , follow instructions and send to the FMSCI with the required draft payment. Download the FMSCI Competition License Forms for 4x4's/Cars/Trucks. For license fee please navigate the required links.Your doctor will fill out a basic health format...included in the forms ...and you can forward the document directly to the FMSCI as the case may be. Photocopy of your civil drivers license need to be attested by a notary public along with required annexures.

How do I acclimatise and can I do a route recce .....

The route will be finalised by the middle of July 2011. All those who submit their entries, with complete documentation, will receive a copy of the Road Books / or recce notes to do an entire route recce if they wish. However, it is not necessary nor practical in terms of both costs and time, to do the entire route beforehand. Just a few stages, two weeks before, and above the 4000 mtrs mark would give you an idea of the terrain and acclimatise you for the event.
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Thread Starter #6
Mar 2, 2011
What are the costs involved….

Entry fees ,insurances, vehicle preparation, service backup, the expenses of the recce and running the Raid are the main costs incurred. For details click on the costs of participation link here.

Do I need any special qualifications….

No, but any kind of past experience will of course be useful. A lot of determination and perhaps a sense of humor will often see you through the most testing of times. While mechanical knowledge can be useful not everyone has it !! If you drive safely and to a game plan you probably would not need it. Physically you need to be very fit. You will need to consult your physician if you suffer from Hypertension ( high blood pressure) and/or breathing disorders like asthma. We would be crossing passes in excess of 18,000 ft and oxygen is in short supply.

Do I need any special insurance covers….

Yes, you will have to obtain a special insurance cover for using your vehicle in the Raid. This is called a Rally Insurance and is only for the vehicle you plan to use for the event. It is only valid for the days of the Raid and you can easily get it from your Insurance agent. A Personal Accident Policy covering the participant for a minimum amount of Rs. 2,00,000/- is a must. This policy should also be easily available from your Insurance agent and should mention it is for the purpose of the Raid. This policy should cost not more than a few hundred rupees. As the Raid runs in the most desolate Himalayan regions sometimes it is imperative to use professional medevac either by ground or air ambulance to tackle an emergency. We are trying to arrange Medevac Insurance at a decent rate. However at the start itself we would like to reiterate that air ambulance evacuation will only be possible for those participants with Medevac Insurance. Ground evacuation however, is part of the arrangements that will be made for every participant who enters the Raid de Himalaya 2011.

What about stay and food arrangements at the night halts….

Your hospitality normally starts on the night before the Flag Off. All your hotels at the night halts are a part of the entry fee. In a few cases these may be only tents laid out on a freezing wind lashed plain. Where possible, should you want a single room, or, upgrade to a better hotel, you are welcome to, but at your own cost. We would be able to advise you on the various accommodation possibilities available at the locations of the night halt. If for whatsoever reason you decide to drop out of the event board and lodging facilities would cease to be provided. However you would avail of these facilities for any Leg you start and can make it to the official night halt even though you may have dropped out of the Raid during that Leg. Our Entry Fee reflects good value- blended with professional support and administration. Food arrangements are a part of the hospitality only at the few places where the Raid will camp out and no restaurants are available.
We do not make any arrangements at places that have many restaurants and eating joints and here the choice of eatery is yours.
The Raid dinner at the end of the event is on us though as is the rooming for the night of the Prize Distribution Ceremony.

How cold does it get….

The day temperature hovers around 2 to 26 degrees celsius and the night temperature plunges as low as –21 degrees celsius. The best woollens along with thermals and windproofs are a must. The bike entrants are advised to take special care, as with the wind chill factor the temperatures can get very uncomfortable. It is absolutely essential that all participants carry their sleeping bags on board. Though the sweep vehicle makes every effort to ensure that every individual along the route makes it to the night halt location, it may mean several hours waiting in subzero temperatures for the Sweep Team to show up. The sleeping bag will most certainly be the lifesaver during this wait.

Do I have to make any special arrangements for my service teams….

Yes you do. Firstly, you have to register the service team/s with us against a small fee. As the Raid runs into the forward areas that border Pakistan and China every service crew member must carry a proper identification. No member of the service crews will be permitted beyond Sarchu unless they are carrying this I.D. which will be supplied by Himalayan Motorsport.
Secondly, you will have to book, against payment, with us for the teams stay at Patseo/Sarchu or Pang, where the Raid will stay overnight at a campsite. Details of this fee can be had in the costs section.

Where do I get fuel halfway to Tibet......?

Petrol pumps along the route will provide for 87 octane unleaded petrol and normal diesel, every 350 kms of the way. Extra range tanks on all the vehicles are a good idea. Remote area refueling on the Ladakh plain is provided for competitors only. The diesel provided in Ladakh will not be the special zero wax anti freeze diesel. It will be the normal oil that can freeze during the nights! Fuel to be provided to participants will have to be booked in advance and paid for before the start of the Raid. To figure out the fuel requirement you can call Himalayan Motorsport for assistance.Service vehicles have to carry their own fuel, as no calculation and thereby arrangements for their fuel requirements, is possible.

How late can I enter….

The last time and date for the entries is 1700 hrs on the 31st August 2011.
However, an early entry (1st April-15th May 2011) will attract a lower fee and will give you enough time to get all your paperwork in order well in time.

Standard entry (between 16th May-15th July 2011) will be at a higher rate than the early entries. However, this time frame too has enough time for documentation etc. Late entries (between the 16th July and the 31st Aug 2011) will attract the highest fee. This fee is non refundable in the event that your paperwork does not come together in time for the event.

What happens if I break down in the middle of never never land....or even get lost.......

On an event of this magnitude there is every possibility that you will have the problems associated with a high speed endurance event that runs day after day through inhospitable terrain. You will break things along the way and your vehicle may give way completely before the last time control. So what do you do stranded in the middle of nowhere without a soul in sight... or worse still go off the track and get lost? Fortunately, if you break down in the middle of nowhere don't worry. Himalayan Motorsport has a Sweep Team for every stage and they will eventually reach you as they bring up the rear mopping up the stragglers! If you are a motorcyclist your bike will be loaded into the back of the Breakdown truck ( if there is space) and brought to the nearest town from where you can arrange repair or alternate transport for your machine. If a 4 wheel participant, your vehicle will be left where it is, unless it is a short distance to a town or village and towing is possible. You will be given a ride to the end of the Leg night halt. Himalayan Motorsport will help you arrange for a transport back home for your car/bike on the next day. This will normally be a local recovery truck from the nearest point possible and will be paid for by the competitor. Army recovery assistance, wherever possible, is normally for free. Incase you wander off the track, which is highly unlikely, as on most stages there are no alternative routes, your absence from the pack will be missed immediately. Himalayan Motorsport has radio cars reporting the progress of each rider or driver every 10 kilometres of the route and these are manned by the best crews in Indian Motorsport !!!. Before you have been lost for ten minutes we know you are missing. Also your Road Book has been made with a highly specialised Rally computer equipped with GPS, that is accurate to the last metre. You will be given the Road Book well in advance to enable you to do a route recce which reduces, hugely, the chances of getting lost. It is probable that the road book for this year will be GPS tracks and waypoints only. As you can recce a month in advance Pace Notes will be necessary for 4 wheelers. GPS (preferably Garmin 76Csx is recommended). With a RAM Bar Mount, external antenna and a lighter power cord it should be in the region of Rs 30,000/- with a pukka bill. Software for the Tripy GPS II will also be made available to those that have invested in a Tripy.

Source: Maruti Suzuki Raid de Himalaya Site.
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Thread Starter #7
Mar 2, 2011
Getting friends along:

  • The Friend must be well known to you.
  • The Member who introduces the Friend must accept complete responsibility for the Friend’s actions while on a trip/tour.
  • The Friend must participate equally in all activities when on tour including contribution to the common trip money pool (aka Kitty).
  • He has to listen to the organizers / spotters / marshals.
  • Make sure your friend knows the risk involved and make sure they do not stand next to the ropes during recovery process.
  • If you get pets along, it is your responsibility to make sure they do not run around and get injured.

Clicking Pictures:

  • While it’s fun to click action pictures, please note the following:
  • Do not stand in front of or behind the vehicle while clicking pictures. Stand atleast 2 meters away from the sides and 10 meters behind or in front of the vehicle. Always make a mental note of other vehicles around you.
  • During night OTRs, remember that the flash may temporarily blind the driver. So be very careful about this especially when the vehicle is negotiating a tricky and dangerous obstacle.
  • Do not hold up the convoy by making your passenger get off before attempting every obstacle, go ahead and click your snaps. This holds up the convoy. Make your passenger sit in the vehicle in front of you if you are very interested in getting action shots of your vehicle.
  • Do not stop in the middle of the convoy to pose for pictures.


  • Every vehicle must carry the following:
  • 4 litres of water per person
  • Couple of packets of biscuits / wafers / etc. Especially if there is a diabetic person driving or accompanying you.
  • A couple of bars of chocolate as an emergency energy booster.
  • In summer, also carry packets of electral powder which you can mix with your water.
  • An icebox always helps

Meeting Points

  • Adherence to Scheduled Timing/Departure from meeting point/campsites.
  • Late comers will have to catch up.
  • If you want to eat at the meeting point, please come early and order your food

While driving towards the trail

  • Driving etiquette must be strictly followed when on tour/trip.
  • All members must remain together (single file) when driving on highways/public roads and are advised not to stray too far without prior advise so that the stress of “losing” a member can be avoided.
  • If numbers are given, please follow them.
  • You are responsible for the car behind you. At all times keep a look in the mirror to see if the car behind you has stopped for some reason. If it has, pull over to check. Always try to signal the car in front of you by flashing your lights and have a predetermined sequence of blasting the horn (which will be a sign of distress).
  • Speed limits and road safety rules on highways must be obeyed.
  • Visual contact with other members must be maintained at all times when driving.

Stranded Cars on the Trail

  • No matter how late it gets, if any car is stranded or broken down on the trail, no one will leave until the car is repaired / towed out till the nearest garage.
  • Everyone must help in recovery (listen to the marshals / organizers)


  • Responsibilities as assigned in pre-trip meeting must be prepared for by each member who has been assigned a task.

  • Proper gear including apparel must be carried. Always carry an extra set of clothes.

OTR Trail / Campsite

  • Campsites must be left as clean or cleaner than the condition in which we arrived.* All garbage must be carefully packed in garbage bags and disposed of correctly even if it entails carrying back in a vehicle to a garbage dump in a nearby town/city.
  • All activities en-route/during & after a tour must be conducted in a manner that is NOT damaging to the environment and the natural surroundings. STRICTLY NO DONUTS.
  • Avoid loud blaring music while in jungle areas or near villages.
  • Respect the cultural, heritage and environmental values of public/private land by obeying restrictions that may apply.
  • Respect our flora and fauna. Stop and look, but never disturb.
  • Do not disturb livestock or watering points.
  • Do not honk unnecessarily.

  • Seek permission before driving on private land.
  • During tours, a member of the party will be assigned the task of managing the finances from the common trip money pool.* This common trip money pool (aka Kitty) will be decided by the team leader of the trip and collected (equally) from all participants at the first stop of the trip.* These funds will be used to pay for meals, hotel charges and other common incidentals.* At the end of the trip, any monies remaining will be reimbursed equally amongst the participants of the trip.
  • Refrain from using drugs or alcohol while driving
  • Refrain from aggressive driving
  • Not litter in public or private places
  • Assist members of law enforcement & the general public whenever possible or required
  • Guard against all risks of fire.
  • If you are told to park your vehicle at a place due to a technical problem with your vehicle or any other issue, please do so.
  • Do not keep attempting an obstacle. If you are told to abort it, then please stop, take an alternate route or get towed out.
  • Help your co participants.
  • This is not an ego trip. It takes more courage to say no than to cross an obstacle and be sorry later
  • If you have titanium balls, go join the army and fight for your country.
  • Do not egg a person on to do something he or she is not comfortable with.
  • When in doubt ASK and you shall be enlightened.
  • People do not like leachers. People will let you borrow stuff once or twice, but if you make it a habit, people will get pissed off.
  • Family and children accompany us many times, avoid using improper language and sexist jokes.
  • Always keep a list of your OTR friends' phone numbers at home and inform them where you are going and with whom. Tell them you may not have network at times and not to panic. If you get late, call up as soon as you can and inform home.

Skipping an Obstacle:

  • Be critical of your own abilities and equipment when assessing an obstruction; it is your right to abort an obstacle, but do not commit yourself to a bigger task than you are equipped for.


  • Newbies should NOT spot.
  • Passengers with no or little experience of spotting should NOT spot
  • Listen to appointed spotters or marshals
  • If you are spotting, make sure your words are accompanied by hand signals. Reconfirm that the driver has heard you.
  • Before spotting, discuss hand signals with the drivers
  • It is the duty of the vehicle driver to stop the vehicle, walk / see the obstacle. If you find there are too many people spotting then stop, get out of the car, tell everyone to shut up and you yourself appoint a spotter for yourself and only listen to him/her.
  • Read the spotting thread properly (link given above)

After Crossing an obstacle

  • After you finish an obstacle, DO NOT stop immediately ahead, the cars behind you need to cross as well. Please go well ahead and park in the designated spot. If there are no parking spots, keep continuing on the trail. If you are a designated spotter for the car behind you, make sure to park adequately ahead for the car behind you to cross the obstacle.

Rules for newbies

  • Offroading is not a race.
  • Offroading is not an ego challenge.
  • If you are not comfortable with doing an obstacle, you have a right to refuse.
  • Always ask for an experienced guy to sit with you while crossing an obstacle. Don’t expect anyone to volunteer. ASK!
  • Only listen to one spotter.
  • Your car may be damaged while offroading. Be aware.
  • Walk the trail.
  • Do not attempt any obstacle if you do not see a spotter guiding you.

  • If you get stuck, it is YOUR responsibility to get off from your vehicle and attach the tow lines to yours and the recovery vehicle whenever possible.
  • If you are stuck, you have to use your recovery gear.
  • After you are recovered, help to stow back the gear
  • Listen to the spotters at all times. Rev when asked to and brake when told.
  • Observe safety protocols at all times. Use eye protection, gloves and cable dampers.

Vehicle Safety

  • Get a roll bar installed first thing.
  • Always wear seat belts.
  • For tricky obstacles, please ask your passengers to disembark.
  • Always know where your dif is. Avoid damaging it.
  • Make sure your vehicle has a skid plate.

Water Crossing
  • Know your vehicle's limitations
  • You do not need to cross it if you don't want to
  • Let your engine cool before you enter water
  • If your fan hits the water, it may break and damage the radiator
  • Electronics get spoilt with water
  • Do not make a dramatic splash when you enter water. Go in slowly. The dramatic splash will increase chances of water being sucked in by your airfilter
  • Snorkels and dif breathers doesn't mean your car can scuba dive
Thread Starter #8
Mar 2, 2011
Parking your car on the trail

  • Make sure you switch your engine off. Always put the car in gear and use the handbrake.
  • If parked on an incline, make sure the car does not roll back / front. Always turn the wheels curbside and put a rock behind/front of one of the wheels. Remember to take out the rock before starting and move it to the side of the trail so as not to hinder other vehicles.
  • If you are parking on the trail and walking away, make sure your keys are in the ignition or with someone nearby so that your vehicle can be moved if need be.
Things to carry:

- complete tool kit
- jack
- if you have new alloys, make sure your spanner fits properly into it.
- spare hose pipes
- spare fan belt
- radiator sealant
- swiss knife/multitool
- torch
- protective gloves / eye protection
- spare fuses
- recovery gear
- spare wiper blades
- WD40
- mseal
- spare number plates (ideally in sticker form). There are high chances of breaking the existing ones.
- On-Tow stickers
- make sure the spare wheel is upto the mark
- For long distance trips, also carry oil (engine and dif)

- Soap strips
- Brush and paste
- Towels and napkins
- Hand sanitizer

Car documents
- Registration
- Insurance
- Valid Indian driving license
- Tax papers

- bandages
- alcohol wipes
- anti diarrhea medicine
- anti malarial medicine (antacids too if you are suffering from acidity)
- crepe bandage for sprains
- balm
- burnol
- tourniquet
- calamine lotion
- pain killers (combiflam, etc)
- antihistamines
- any other medication you need (diabetics and asthmatics especially)
- diabetics to also carry biscuits and sweets
- spare spectacles

Personal Protection
- mosquito repellant
- sunblock (water proof)
- windsheater/raincoat
- ankle length boots and/or gum boots
- long stick to probe depth of water / slush and help in walking without slipping
- sun glasses

- Toilet paper
- SoapOthers
- Trash Bags
- Jerry can
- Dry rags
- everyone please take your tetanus shots before coming
- Please avoid carrying credit cards. If required, just carry one card and note down the number somewhere. There are high chances of the wallet getting lost. Do not carry club membership cards, loyalty cards, etc. Do not carry all your money in your wallet. Spread it around in your pockets, bags, etc.
- Do not carry alcohol in your vehicles. If you are stopped by the cops, the organizers will not be able to help you.
-You will not get electric supply. Make sure you have a car charger for you mobile phones. I suggest buying the samsung marine phone which is completely waterproof. However, if you don't want to get one, please wrap you phone in multiple plastic bags.
-I repeat again, people who need to take daily medications, please carry two sets wrapped in plastic waterproof pouches and kept at dif places. If one set gets lost or damaged due to water, you will still have another set.
- Monsoon time is time for water borne diseases. I suggest you should get your shots for typhoid and hep A taken.
- Carry chlorine drops; incase water runs out and you desperately need to drink water from a stream.
- Extra socks. A wet sock is the worst thing. You'll be surprised how good a dry sock feels after a day of trudging through water.
- Change of clothes
- Avoid wearing contact lenses.
- A sweat shirt or jacket; it can get cold at night.

Please add to the list if i have forgotten anything.



All posts heavily inspired by
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Core Team
Aug 10, 2009
New Delhi
Me and my dad. But dont know whether they allow people below 18 to contest. BTW, which SUV should be taken? Scorpio, Safari or Pajero or an old Willys jeep we have?
Thanks again for posting the wonderful information above. And if you ask me, Pajero is the one worth taking along for such adventure trials.

Drive Safe,
Aug 22, 2009
excellent details man. they will help me if i decide to take part sometime in future. if you are going with your dad now so plz tell me about experience!! [thumbsup]
Thread Starter #11
Mar 2, 2011
Thanks buddy, i will post the experience surely. Even if i dont go, my dad surely will go with my cousin. BTW, does anyone know how age is calculated for such events? I was born on 1st March, 1994 so can i participate.?
Oct 5, 2010
New Delhi
only if it was in june i could have also joined but October fail for me .

If your father click any pic do post here also (i know its too early to say :P ).
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