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Honored Membership is a special title reserved only for selected few members who’ve a proven long-term track record of outstanding high-quality contribution in this community through various ways. Honored Members are handpicked by the core team based on several factors. Some of them include:
- An active and a long-term member.
- Shares very helpful content and is courteous across the forum.
- Always adheres to forum protocol and cooperates with moderators.
- Has no recent or long-term record of the infringement of forum rules.
- Set as a right example in the forum and respected by fellow members.
- Honored Member Rank Title
- TAI Branded E-Mail Address
- Access To Honored Member's Zone
- Send Private Message To 10 Recipients
- Upto 200 MB Storage in TAI Garage Albums
- Invitations To Attend Automotive Industry Events
- Complimentary The Automotive India Merchandise