Guide To Basic Information on Indian Motorsports

Thread Starter #1


Core Team
Aug 10, 2009
New Delhi

There are obviously no prizes for guessing that most of us present in The Automotive India forums are passionate about automobiles but does it translates that every person who loves automobiles has interest in their all aspects as well? Definitely Not, Some of us love the designing where as a few prefer to peep what’s under the hood, i.e. mechanical of a vehicle. Similarly, Those sports lover with interest in automotive have found their own way too, resulting the cars are no more medium of taking you point X to Y alone, thus this sports category in automobiles is created which is popularly termed as Motor sports or Auto-Sports.

In-fact, Speaking about myself, personally I was never a fan of motor sports but of course, I love cars and like to learn the happenings in automotive scene. However, I’ve rarely watched any Formula 1 or INRC races and never cared to even open motor sports section of auto-magazines or websites but from sometime now, it seems that motor sport bug inside me has eventually started to tickle, resulting that I’m happening to visit motor sport related websites and what can be a better proof that I’m writing this article today on motor sports itself?

Well, 21st century has begun ten years back already and motor sports these days is not just considered as fun or hobby but young enthusiastic drivers are turning this into their life as a career as well. I’m sure most of the audience reading this article belongs to India, so I’ll be specific here about Indian Motor sports.

To start off in Indian motor sports, First of all you will need to attain an entrance license from Motor sport Association of India (MAI), whose issuing cost varies on the type of motor sports, As an instance the national level championship rallying Grade-C license will cost somewhere Rs.900 where as for carting it is Rs.650 (Non-members) depending upon grades. Each license expires on 31st December of ever year and will need to be renewed thereafter.

Once you’ve attained the license, look out which auto sport challenge interests you more, though if you may not be aware, to provide a general idea, There are basically following championships available: Drag Race, Auto-cross, Hill Climbs, Gymkhanas, Motorsports triathlon, Sprints, Rally sprints, Navigational trials, sporting trials, Go-Karting etc. Apart from them are ‘actual’ Rallying and Racing which are done using special rally prepared cars unlike in other mentioned races, Also each race has it’s own rules, regulations, qualification levels etc. However, for those who want to turn their passion into career, the last two options are most recommended but they need some real challenging efforts including financial support too.

I’m sure there are many teenagers who have eventually developed keen interest in motor-sports but unfortunately can’t fulfill just due to their age of under 18, though many of them might not be aware that it is thankfully possible. Yes, one can enter into go-karting right from the age of eight! The go-carting has been divided into the following age categories:
  • Junior: 8 – 10 Years
  • Intermediate: 10-15 Years
  • Seniors: 15 and Above.

To keep it brief, I will say motorsport is one of an interesting sports around especially for you automotive enthusiasts who love to push the vehicles off its limits. Just the difference is few take it for fun and other mould it as their carrier. If you’re serious about getting into national or international level championships in motorsport, then start the efforts from day one because in my true opinion nothing can be better to work for what you love. No doubt, It needs a lot of hard work and some investment initially but once you’ve proved yourself as a successful driver, the sponsors will themselves come around and after all Motorsports in our country terribly needs some serious encouragement so that we've more new players who reach on higher levels in this field, Only the sad part is currently there's Zero motorsport culture and we can only hope for it to grow in near future.

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Drive Safe,
Oct 23, 2009
Hey good report 350Z , but sadly as you said there are hardly any following of motor sports action in India!! But maybe the scenario will change if India hosts its own F1 race soon in the near future!!
Aug 22, 2009
hey thanks a lot for writing this article, quite informative. i also like motorsports but most sad part is that it will need alot of funds if we reach to higher level. [cry]
Aug 22, 2009
Yes. Its time for change now !!

India is getting its own track for the World Formula Racing Championship.

Hope things will get better soon with Mallya putting hard efforts.
Jul 7, 2012
nice article 350Z and was quite motivating. I hope that the Indian motorsports will rise to a decent level by developing interest and funding by govt. as well as by private partners/ investors. [clap]
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