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On 20th April, Apple COO Timothy Cook told investors that they would roll out the new iPad 2 model to 13 more countries as early as next week.
Soon after, Annkur at OnlyGizmos reported that that India is among the list of 13 countries that Tim mentioned in the call and that iPad 2 would officially launch here on 28th of April. Well, Annkur’s sources were correct as Vijay Sales, who are one of the Apple premium resellers in India, gave a strong hint today that iPad 2 is here. (Source: Labnol)
YouTube - Apple - iPad 2 - TV Ad - We Believe
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Apple, transitioning to the new iPad 2 introduced on March 11, couldn’t make enough to meet demand. The shortfall led to lower sales than analysts predicted. Apple is ramping up production as it prepares to start selling the tablet computer in 13 additional countries this month, Chief Operating Officer Tim Cook said on a conference call yesterday.
YouTube - Apple - iPad 2 - TV Ad - We Believe
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