So your point regarding the
flight caught fire in the air is really valuable! Is there any local news reported claiming that the flight caught fire when it was in the air?
Shynish one survivor had clearly said that there was a smoke in the rear of the plane.
And people in the back seats had worst nightmare.They couldn't breathe.
May be the
planes hydraulic control went kaput.
The main contol is tail of the plane with its hydraulic controls.
And pilot was no where able to descent even if he would have seen the runway.
And somewhere in the middle he has crash landed.
It is something like car moving speedy with
brake failure.
My exprience about this is after watching Air-Crash Investigation on National Geographic.
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So your point regarding the flight caught fire in the air is really valuable! Is there any local news reported claiming that the flight caught fire when it was in the air?
Shynish one survivor had clearly said that there was a smoke in the rear of the plane.
And people in the back seats had worst nightmare.They couldn't breathe.
May be the planes hydraulic control went kaput.
The main contol is tail of the plane with its hydraulic controls.
And pilot was no where able to descent even if he would have seen the runway.
And somewhere in the middle he has crash landed.
It is something like car moving speedy with brake failure.
My exprience about this is after watching Air-Crash Investigation on National Geographic.
And yesterday they have found the black box and investigation is going on.