Nissan India: Facts & Figures

Thread Starter #16


Honoured Member
Sep 7, 2014
Delhi-NCR/ Mumbai
Nissan unveils Invisible-to-Visible technology concept at CES

Future connected-car technology merges real and virtual worlds to help drivers `see the invisible’

(Jan. 4, 2019) – At the upcoming CES trade show, Nissan will unveil its future vision for a vehicle that helps drivers “see the invisible” by merging both real and virtual worlds, creating the ultimate connected-car experience.

Invisible-to-Visible, or I2V, is a future technology created through Nissan Intelligent Mobility, the company’s vision for changing how cars are powered, driven and integrated into society. I2V will demonstrate the future of driving to CES visitors through an interactive, three-dimensional immersion experience at Nissan’s display. I2V will support drivers by merging information from sensors outside and inside the vehicle with data from the cloud. This enables the system not only to track the vehicle’s immediate surroundings but also to anticipate what’s ahead – even showing what’s behind a building or around the corner. To make driving more enjoyable, guidance is given in an interactive, human-like way, such as through avatars that appear inside the car.

By tapping into the virtual world, I2V opens up endless possibilities for service and communication – making driving more convenient, comfortable and exciting.

“By helping you see the invisible, I2V enhances your confidence and makes driving more enjoyable,” said Tetsuro Ueda, an expert leader at the Nissan Research Center. “The interactive features create an experience that’s tailored to your interests and driving style so that anyone can enjoy using it in their own way.”

Connected driving like never before

I2V is powered by Nissan’s Omni-Sensing technology, which acts as a hub gathering real-time data from the traffic environment and from the vehicle’s surroundings and interior. Nissan’s SAM (Seamless Autonomous Mobility) technology analyzes the road environment through relevant real-time information, and the ProPILOT semiautonomous driver support system provides information about the car’s surroundings.

The technology maps a 360-degree virtual space around the car to provide information about things like road and intersection status, visibility, signage or nearby pedestrians. It can also monitor the people inside the vehicle by using interior sensors to better anticipate when they may need assistance with finding something or a coffee break to stay alert.

I2V can also connect drivers and passengers to people in the Metaverse virtual world. This makes it possible for family, friends or others to appear inside the car as three dimensional, augmented-reality avatars to provide company or assistance.

More support during autonomous or manual driving

During autonomous driving, I2V can make the time spent in a car more comfortable and enjoyable. For example, when driving in the rain, the scenery of a sunny day can be projected inside the vehicle. When visiting a new place, the system can search within the Metaverse for a knowledgeable local guide who can communicate with people in the vehicle in real time. Information provided by the guide can be collected with Omni-Sensing and stored in the cloud so that others visiting the same area can access the useful guidance. It can also be used by the onboard artificial intelligence system to provide a more efficient drive
through local areas.

During manual driving, I2V provides information from Omni-Sensing as an overlay in the driver’s full field of view. The information helps drivers assess and prepare for things like corners with poor visibility, irregular road surface conditions or oncoming traffic. The driver can also book a professional driver from the Metaverse to get personal instruction in real time. The professional driver appears as a projected avatar or as a virtual chase car in the driver’s field of vision to demonstrate the best way to drive.

Not only will I2V display information about congestion and estimated travel time; it can communicate unique details to better inform the driver about the road ahead, removing unknowns to ease driving stress. I2V will give alternative suggestions, even down to the best-moving lane in heavy traffic, by using real-time local data mapping via Omni- Sensing. Upon arrival at a destination, I2V can access SAM to scan for parking spaces and park the vehicle for the driver in situations requiring difficult parking maneuvers.

I2V demonstration at Nissan’s display

Visitors to CES can experience I2V at Nissan’s display by putting on a pair of augmented-reality goggles and stepping inside a demonstration cockpit featuring three dimensional interfaces and displays. Users are guided through scenarios including a tour of a city, receiving help to find an open parking space at a busy mall, seeing a rainy day outside change to a sunny day inside the car, chasing a professional driver avatar to improve driving skills and exploring how I2V can see through buildings and around corners.

CES 2019 runs from Jan. 8-11 at the Las Vegas Convention Center. Nissan welcomes all attendees to its display (6906) in the North Hall.

Thread Starter #17


Honoured Member
Sep 7, 2014
Delhi-NCR/ Mumbai
A vision for the invisible: Nissan technology expert Tetsuro Ueda

“Our path is headed towards infinite worlds.”
Invisible-to-Visible technology concept at CES.jpg

(Jan. 8, 2019) – Tetsuro Ueda is a technology expert at the Nissan Research Center, a place where Nissan explores cutting-edge technologies and develops the next step in automotive excitement. Working with a small, but dedicated team, Ueda’s research focuses on connecting technology and humans in an enriching, seamless way. His latest development is set to create new insights in what we see through connected platforms and sensing technologies.

At the CES 2019 trade show, Nissan announced Invisible-to-Visible, a revolutionary technology that helps drivers “See the Invisible” by merging the real and virtual worlds to create the ultimate connected-car technology. In a recent interview, Ueda expanded on his vision of how he sees society interacting with Invisible-to-Visible technology.

Q: Can you tell us briefly about Invisible-to-Visible technology?

Ueda: Invisible-to-Visible, or I2V, is our way of increasing awareness and enhancing the driving experience. By merging our world with the virtual world, called the Metaverse, we can create the ultimate connected-car experience. Sensing data, gathered from the space around us as we drive, and interactions with virtual information are brought to life by three-dimensional, augmented visuals in front of us. In essence, we can interact with and see information that would otherwise be invisible to us.

Q: How is this different from similar technologies being developed by others?

Ueda: In terms of interacting with digital devices thus far, technology has fundamentally just added voice to the display of information on a flat screen. I2V technology uses a method that goes beyond this type of conventional provision of information. It is true, some companies are researching three-dimensional displays of information in vehicles similar to our technology. The differentiator is our new approach of presenting data or avatars as MR (mixed reality). This increases the level of interaction and gives virtual elements weight in our reality. Another factor is our goal of presenting information and data in a human-like way.

Q: Can you expand on that? How’s this different from the virtual personal assistants (VPAs) on the market today?

Ueda: While those VPAs focus on improving the efficiency of user assistance functions through AI, the agent-type avatars offering services through the Metaverse – we call them Traverse-Agents – differ entirely as they emphasize interaction between people, rather than efficiency. VPAs serve as functional assistants. Traverse-Agents, meanwhile, don’t stop at functionality and are instead a partner in the mobile vehicle space. This concept fully utilizes a multitude of I2V sensing technology, such as Omni-Sensing, which gathers data from traffic infrastructure and sensors around the vehicle and the Metaverse to meet a variety of needs. These can range from a casual conversation partner to driving guidance, language study, business and personal consulting and counseling, all done in the same shared space as the user.

Q: Some information received through Omni-Sensing includes traffic data. How is this different from devices and apps that provide similar information?

Ueda: It isn’t necessary to access the Metaverse to get traffic information. This can be handled by accessing a traffic information Cloud and visualizing the data – which doesn’t go beyond the scope of existing connected cars that link to the Cloud. I2V takes that data and adds a higher level of detail from data collected by Omni-Sensing technology. For example, not only can we get information about traffic congestion ahead; we can know why it’s congested, what’s the best lane to take, and what are the possible alternative routes to avoid the area altogether. Having this knowledge, the knowledge of the unknown ahead, can ease driving stress.

Q: The CES demonstration will show how people from the Metaverse can join as an avatar inside the car. Can they take control of the vehicle?

Ueda: In autonomous driving conditions, we envision a special operator having the ability to give instructions to automated-driving vehicles, along the lines of the SAM concept announced by us at CES 2017. But we’re not thinking about transferring control of driving (accelerator, brake and steering) operations. It might be possible to share functions other than those involved in driving, such as operating the air conditioner or infotainment system, in order to enhance the presence and quality of the shared travel experience.

Q: With the appeal of having a driving experience through virtual worlds, do you think that actually driving a car still has an appeal? Will car ownership decrease?

Ueda: Cars satisfy people’s desire for mobility. A core feature of I2V technology is sharing the experience of mobility, but it also acts as a catalyst for a heightened level of interaction. This technology encourages new interactions obtained through movement beyond just the real world, into the fast-growing Metaverse and its end users. It implies a dramatic rise in users who can engage in interaction in more situations. We hope that this technology will generate motivation to use cars in order to obtain the I2V user experience.

Furthermore, the experience of riding together in a virtual space could never match the experience of reality. Thus, we’re not concerned about a decrease in the driving public.
A driving experience merged with virtual experiences should instead encourage movement in the real world.

Q: Are there any concerns about people in the car joining the Metaverse while driving?

Ueda: It isn’t possible to fully dive into the Metaverse while driving. This technology utilizes elements of the Metaverse for users to engage in conversations with avatars as a bit-out presence – that is, a person from the Metaverse projecting their virtual self into the real world inside the car. It differs technologically from a full-on VR experience. While a full VR experience is possible, we think this type of usage doesn’t work as a viable driving experience.

Q: Can this technology work anywhere? Or just in cities with connected infrastructure?

Ueda: It can be used anywhere with access to an internet environment. That said, it will have to wait for the introduction of 5G or later wireless technology to be used in moving vehicles. Once we have the technology and connection speed to manage it during driving, Invisible-to-Visible will enhance the mobility experience and open the door to infinite worlds.

About Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. Nissan is a global full-line vehicle manufacturer that sells more than 60 models under the Nissan, INFINITI and Datsun brands. In fiscal year 2017, the company sold 5.77 million vehicles globally, generating revenue of 11.9 trillion yen. On April 1, 2017, the company embarked on Nissan M.O.V.E. to 2022, a six-year plan targeting a 30% increase in annualized revenues to 16.5 trillion yen by the end of fiscal 2022, along with cumulative free cash flow of 2.5 trillion yen. As part of Nissan M.O.V.E. to 2022, the company plans to extend its leadership in electric vehicles, symbolized by the world's best-selling all-electric vehicle in history, the Nissan LEAF. Nissan’s global headquarters in Yokohama, Japan, manages operations in six regions: Asia & Oceania; Africa, the Middle East & India; China; Europe; Latin America; and North America. Nissan has partnered with French manufacturer Renault since 1999 and acquired a 34% stake in Mitsubishi Motors in 2016. Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi is today the world’s largest automotive partnership, with combined sales of more than 10.6 million vehicles in calendar year 2017.

For more information about our products, services and commitment to sustainable mobility, visit

Thread Starter #18


Honoured Member
Sep 7, 2014
Delhi-NCR/ Mumbai
Nissan India buckles up to launch #HaveYouClickedToday campaign

Partners with SaveLIFE Foundation to launch India’s first survey on usage and awareness of seat belts with a special focus on children
NEW DELHI, India (Jan 10, 2019): Nissan India today announced the launch of its social responsibility campaign #HaveYouClickedToday. Currently, India is considered as the global road accident capital clocking 17 deaths and 53 crashes every hour and through this new initiative, Nissan aims to raise awareness and advocate the use of rear seat belts.

In order to understand the current perception and behavior of Indians towards wearing a rear seat belt and to raise awareness around this issue, Nissan has partnered with SaveLIFE Foundation and SHARP for a pan India campaign.

In partnership with SaveLIFE Foundation, Nissan India has commissioned India’s first survey on rear seat belts with a special focus on children. This baseline survey has been conducted across 11 cities and will be launched by Hon’ble Shri Nitin Gadkari, Union Minister for Road Transport & Highways, on 11th January 2019 in the national capital.

To educate the next generation and gear them to become more responsible behind the wheels, Nissan India is partnering with SHARP for an extensive school outreach program reaching out to over 200k students in 240 schools in 12 cities across the country in the first phase.

Talking about the launch, Thomas Kuehl, President – Nissan India Operations said “It is alarming when you hear such statistics on road accidents in India. While there is considerable amount of awareness and communication around usage of seat belts, there is almost negligible focus in using rear seat belts. Through our campaign #HaveYouClickedToday, we aim to drive the awareness and also builds a strong case for a comprehensive National Road Safety law to bridge the policy-implementation gap.”

About Nissan Motor Co., Ltd

Nissan is a global full-line vehicle manufacturer that sells more than 60 models under the Nissan, INFINITI and Datsun brands. In fiscal year 2017, the company sold 5.77 million vehicles globally, generating revenue of 11.9 trillion yen. On April 1, 2017, the company embarked on Nissan M.O.V.E. to 2022, a six-year plan targeting a 30% increase in annualized revenues to 16.5 trillion yen by the end of fiscal 2022, along with cumulative free cash flow of 2.5 trillion yen. As part of Nissan M.O.V.E. to 2022, the company plans to extend its leadership in electric vehicles, symbolized by the world's best-selling all electric vehicle in history, the Nissan LEAF. Nissan’s global headquarters in Yokohama, Japan, manages operations in six regions: Asia & Oceania; Africa, the Middle East & India; China; Europe; Latin America; and North America. Nissan has partnered with French manufacturer Renault since 1999 and acquired a 34% stake in Mitsubishi Motors in 2016. Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi is today the world’s largest automotive partnership, with combined sales of more than 10.6 million vehicles in calendar year 2017.
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Honoured Member
Jan 16, 2016
Nissan Opens Pre-Owned Car Showroom in Madurai, Its 50th Intelligent Choice Outlet in India

Nissan India has announced the expansion of Nissan Intelligent Choice (NIC) to Madurai with its 50th outlet. The concept of NIC is aimed at providing reliable and value for money deals on pre-owned cars as well the opportunity for customers to exchange their car of any brand for a new Nissan or Datsun car including the recently launched new Nissan KICKS. Cars which are certified under NIC go through a comprehensive 167-point quality check and inspection by Nissan technical experts.

Thread Starter #20


Honoured Member
Sep 7, 2014
Delhi-NCR/ Mumbai
Datsun India opens pre-booking for the GO CVT & GO+ CVT

  • Pre-bookings commence from September 27
  • Come with host of safety features: Crash and Pedestrian protection, Speed sensing auto door lock, VDC, dual airbags
NEW DELHI, India (September 27, 2019):
Nissan India today announced for its Datsun brand the bookings for the CVT variants of Datsun GO and GO+. Customers can pre-book their Datsun GO CVT and GO+ CVT with a fully refundable down payment of INR 11,000/- at any of the Nissan and Datsun dealerships across the country.

Rakesh Srivastava, Managing Director, Nissan Motor India Pvt. Ltd. said,” We are introducing Nissan’s proven CVT technology in Datsun GO and GO+ to cater to the demand of customers pan India. The new Datsun GO CVT and GO+ CVT is the first-in-segment with the USP of 5S - SPACE, SAFE, SMART, STYLE and SURE (Japanese technology). We are confident that these class leading offerings will surely delight the customers.”

The Datsun GO and GO+ CVT also offers enhanced crash performance with front and side crash performance, roof and pedestrian protection reinforcement. The first-in-segment Vehicle Dynamic Control (VDC), dual airbags, anti-lock braking system with EBD and BA, engine immobilizer, reverse parking sensors and follow-me-home headlamps speed sensing auto door locks make Datsun GO CVT and GO+ CVT one of the safest cars in the segment.



Honoured Member
Jan 16, 2016
Nissan India Announces Offers On The Kicks, Go, Go+ And redi-Go

Nissan India has announced offers on the Kicks SUV, Datsun redi-Go and, GO and GO+. The company calls it 'Red Weekends' where customers can visit any Nissan dealership and participate in activities to win branded merchandise and more. Consumers can also win gifts ranging from instant gift vouchers amounting to ₹ 1 crore across Nissan and Datsun models. The Kicks compact SUV has been a strong seller for the company and customers can avail cash discounts of up to ₹ 40,000, exchange bonus up to ₹ 40,000 and corporate discounts up to ₹ 10,000. The company is also offering extended warranty of up to ₹ 25,000 on the Kicks with 24X7 roadside assistance in 1500+ cities.



Honoured Member
Jan 16, 2016
Nissan Starts Anywhere, Anytime Test Drive For The Kicks In Delhi, Mumbai

Nissan India has announced starting an Anywhere, Anytime test drive programme for its compact SUV Kicks. So, interested customers can now schedule a test drive of the Nissan Kicks online as per their convenient time and location, and the car will be brought to their doorstep. Currently, the company has started this initiative only for customers in Delhi-NCR and Mumbai. To schedule a test drive, all a customer needs to do is log on to Nissan India's official website and click the 'Home Test Drive' tab and enter the preferred time and venue to schedule the test drive. The test drive can be scheduled between 9 am to 7 pm, during any day of the week.

Thread Starter #23


Honoured Member
Sep 7, 2014
Delhi-NCR/ Mumbai
COVID-19: Information on Nissan operations in Africa, Middle East, India region
(March 24th, 2020) – In response to the continuing COVID-19 outbreak, Nissan has announced a temporary suspension to production in its Africa, Middle East and India region.
This action follows the advice and guidance of respective national governments, and is being taken to safeguard the wellbeing of staff, customers and communities.
The measures taken are as follows:
  • Production at the Alliance plant in Chennai, India (Renault Nissan Automotive India Private, Ltd) was halted on Monday March 23rd until further notice. A skeleton staff will continue to carry out essential maintenance and the situation monitored closely.
  • Production will also be suspended at Nissan’s Rosslyn plant in Pretoria, South Africa. The facility will cease operations from Thursday March 26th until further notice.
  • Nissan’s facility in 6th October City, Giza, Egypt, will also temporarily suspended production from Thursday March 26th for an initial two week period as a preventative measure.
  • In addition, offices across the region are implementing home-working to protect staff as part of the wider effort to contain or limit the spread and impact of the virus.
Nissan will continue prioritizing the safety of its employees, partners and customers and adhering to all government protocols across the region.
Thread Starter #24


Honoured Member
Sep 7, 2014
Delhi-NCR/ Mumbai
Nissan India announces services to support customers during COVID-19 lockdown

New Delhi, April 17, 2020:
Nissan Motor India has launched a package of special services to help its customers through the ongoing COVID-19 crisis.

The new services offered include emergency roadside assistance during lockdown and extended warranty for customers who were unable to use the benefits of the standard warranty or free service. Those customers whose free service, warranty and extended warranty were coming to an end during the lockdown period will be able to avail these benefits for one month after the lockdown is lifted.

Nissan is also communicating to all its customers on upkeep of their cars during lock down through its website, social media channels and email.

Commenting on the announcement, Mr. Rakesh Srivastava, MD, NMIPL, said, “We realize the importance of supporting our customers during these uncertain times. Nissan is putting its best foot forward to ensure seamless communication and hassle-free processes. While social distancing in such unpredictable times is our collective responsibility, we want to ensure that our customers do not face any hurdles and are able to avail our services for the interim period as well as once operations resume.”

About Nissan Motor India Pvt. Ltd.

Nissan Motor India Private Ltd. (NMIPL) is a 100 percent subsidiary of Nissan Motor Co. Ltd. Japan. The company was incorporated in 2005 and offers innovative and exciting products across the hatchback, MUV, SUV and sedan segments in India. Nissan together with its global alliance partner Renault set up a manufacturing plant and a Research & Development Centre near Chennai. Nissan in India has a portfolio of two brands, Nissan and Datsun. For more information, visit

About Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.

Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. Nissan is a global full-line vehicle manufacturer that sells more than 60 models under the Nissan, INFINITI and Datsun brands. In fiscal year 2016, the company sold 5.63 million vehicles globally, generating revenues of 11.72 trillion yen. In fiscal 2017, the company embarked on Nissan M.O.V.E. to 2022, a six-year plan targeting a 30% increase in annualized revenues to 16.5 trillion yen by the end of fiscal 2022, along with cumulative free cash flow of 2.5 trillion yen. As part of Nissan M.O.V.E. to 2022, the company plans to extend its leadership in electric vehicles, symbolized by the world's best-selling all-electric vehicle in history, the Nissan LEAF. Nissan’s global headquarters in Yokohama, Japan, manages operations in six regions: Asia & Oceania; Africa, the Middle East & India; China; Europe; Latin America; and North America. Nissan has a global workforce of 247,500 and has been partnered with French manufacturer Renault since 1999. In 2016, Nissan acquired a 34% stake in Mitsubishi Motors. Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi is today the world’s largest automotive partnership, with combined sales of more than 10.6 million vehicles in calendar year 2017.
Thread Starter #25


Honoured Member
Sep 7, 2014
Delhi-NCR/ Mumbai
Nissan invites all to #DrawDrawDraw
Global design team offers new creative outlet for fans to express their artistic side with coloring book, videos and design submissions

(April 18, 2020) – It all starts with a single line. That is the message from Nissan’s global design team as it looks to connect a worldwide community of artists through the new #DrawDrawDraw social project.

Nissan is offering 23 newly created, downloadable coloring pages featuring beloved Nissan classic cars, current models, futuristic concepts and even some “cult classic” models, such as the Nissan Figaro and ChoiMobi. Nissan designers from around the world created the pages over the last few weeks, a time during which many people have been staying home because of the global coronavirus pandemic.

"To draw, draw, draw, in our world, is one of the best ways to close the gap between wonderful creative impulses in your head and making it a reality – especially as we face this global pandemic together,” said Alfonso Albaisa, Nissan's senior vice president for global design. "Our team of designers, worldwide, are using this time to breathe, to draw, to dream creatively. I know that some of their best work will come from the challenges that we're facing now. So we thought, ‘Why not give everyone a chance to express themselves creatively and share it with those who will appreciate it?'"

Albaisa is launching this effort with a video from his home, and with input from his two young sons, showing what he is currently drawing and why. Designers from his team will post additional videos in coming weeks to talk about their design inspirations, what they are drawing, how they became car designers, and tips for those looking to break into the business.
“Our inspiration for this project came from Nissan designer Giovanny Arroba, the creative mind behind the recently unveiled Ariya Concept car,” said Albaisa. “Gio was asked for advice on becoming a car designer. He said, simply and beautifully, ‘Draw like crazy. Draw, draw, draw.’”

Nissan is asking individuals to tag their drawings, from sidewalk art to napkin sketches to the downloaded coloring book pictures, with #drawdrawdraw.
“We’re looking forward to celebrating passion and creativity,” said Albaisa. “Don’t be surprised if you see a Nissan designer comment on your drawings and artwork.”
Thread Starter #26


Honoured Member
Sep 7, 2014
Delhi-NCR/ Mumbai
Nissan Motor India launches free anti-microbial sanitization campaign

New Delhi, April 30, 2020:
Nissan Motor India today launched an anti-microbial sanitization campaign for the safety and wellbeing of all its customers.
In this initiative, all Nissan dealers will perform a free of cost anti-microbial sanitization of all interior and exterior areas of the car that are frequently accessed or touched, including door handles, steering wheel, gear knobs, etc.

In addition to the above, customers will also be offered full sanitization of the vehicle using interior fogging treatment, which ensures disinfection of the AC duct system, carpets etc., followed by exterior sanitization by spraying, at an affordable cost.

Commenting on the announcement of the service, Rakesh Srivastava, Managing Director, Nissan Motor India said, “At Nissan India, our utmost priority is the well-being of all customers, employees and dealer partners. In these challenging times, it is important that we step up all types of sanitization services as a precautionary measure to collectively overcome the challenges in the society. The anti-microbial sanitization package is the continuation of our endeavor to provide best services to all the owners of Nissan & Datsun vehicles.”

Nissan and Datsun customers will also receive invites via phone calls, e-mailer and SMS from the dealership for the ‘We Sanitize to Protect U' Camp, which starts from May 15th to June 30th. Customers can avail the special anti-microbial sanitization service during the camp. Nissan is also communicating with all its customers on the upkeep of their cars during the duration of the lockdown through its website, social media channels and email.

About Nissan Motor India Pvt. Ltd.

Nissan Motor India Private Ltd. (NMIPL) is a 100 percent subsidiary of Nissan Motor Co. Ltd. Japan. The company was incorporated in 2005 and offers innovative and exciting products across the hatchback, MUV, SUV and sedan segments in India. Nissan together with its global alliance partner Renault set up a manufacturing plant and a Research & Development Centre near Chennai. Nissan in India has a portfolio of two brands, Nissan and Datsun. For more information, visit

About Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.

Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. Nissan is a global full-line vehicle manufacturer that sells more than 60 models under the Nissan, INFINITI and Datsun brands. In fiscal year 2016, the company sold 5.63 million vehicles globally, generating revenues of 11.72 trillion yen. In fiscal 2017, the company embarked on Nissan M.O.V.E. to 2022, a six-year plan targeting a 30% increase in annualized revenues to 16.5 trillion yen by the end of fiscal 2022, along with cumulative free cash flow of 2.5 trillion yen. As part of Nissan M.O.V.E. to 2022, the company plans to extend its leadership in electric vehicles, symbolized by the world's best-selling all-electric vehicle in history, the Nissan LEAF. Nissan’s global headquarters in Yokohama, Japan, manages operations in six regions: Asia & Oceania; Africa, the Middle East & India; China; Europe; Latin America; and North America. Nissan has a global workforce of 247,500 and has been partnered with French manufacturer Renault since 1999. In 2016, Nissan acquired a 34% stake in Mitsubishi Motors. Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi is today the world’s largest automotive partnership, with combined sales of more than 10.6 million vehicles in calendar year 2017.

For more information about our products, services and commitment to sustainable mobility, visit You can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn and see all our latest videos on YouTube.


Honoured Member
Jan 16, 2016
Nissan Micra, Sunny Officially Discontinued In India

With the stringent BS6 emissions regulations coming into effect last month, Nissan India has decided to trim down its product portfolio for the Indian market. The Japanese auto manufacturer has silently removed the Nissan Micra, Micra Active and Sunny from its official Indian website. Currently, the BS6 Kicks and GT-R are the only two cars listed now. The carmaker has discontinued these cars because they won't be going through the BS6 transition. A spokesperson from Nissan India confirmed this decision. Poor sales and high investment to comply with BS6 emission norms are likely to be some of the reasons for these vehicles to be discontinued in the country.

Thread Starter #28


Honoured Member
Sep 7, 2014
Delhi-NCR/ Mumbai
Nissan India resumes business operations as per local guidelines

  • NMIPL, its Marketing and Sales organization has opened with skeletal staff, following local Govt. guidelines;
  • Dealerships resume business across Orange and Green zones, as per local Govt. guidelines;
  • RNAIPL, its alliance manufacturing plant, has resumed production as per local guidelines; Dispatch of vehicles to dealerships commenced

NEW DELHI (May 11, 2020) —
Nissan India today announced that it has started dispatch of its BS VI vehicles from its alliance manufacturing facility in Chennai to its dealerships in green and orange zone across the country. Nissan Motor India Pvt. Ltd (NMIPL), the marketing and sales organization also opened its office in Gurgaon as per local government guidelines.

“Health and safety remain our topmost priority and we are cognizant that precaution is best cure during this challenging situation. In continuation to our customer centric approach, adhering to all local Govt. guidelines and following all necessary health and safety parameters, we have commenced operations across India as part of our business continuity plan”, said, Rakesh Srivastava, Managing Director, Nissan Motor India Pvt. Ltd. Renault Nissan Automotive India Pvt. Ltd. (RNAIPL), the alliance manufacturing facility in Oragadam, Chennai resumed production as per local guidelines on May 4 and dispatch of vehicles started on May 7.

All staff at dealerships and service centres have been trained with the new standard operating procedure to ensure health and hygiene of all stakeholders.

About Nissan Motor India Pvt. Ltd.

Nissan Motor India Private Ltd. (NMIPL) is a 100 percent subsidiary of Nissan Motor Co. Ltd. Japan. The company was incorporated in 2005 and offers innovative and exciting products across the hatchback, MUV, SUV and sedan segments in India. Nissan together with its global alliance partner Renault set up a manufacturing plant and a Research & Development Centre near Chennai. Nissan in India has a portfolio of two brands, Nissan and Datsun. For more information, visit

About Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.

Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. Nissan is a global full-line vehicle manufacturer that sells more than 60 models under the Nissan, INFINITI and Datsun brands. In fiscal year 2016, the company sold 5.63 million vehicles globally, generating revenues of 11.72 trillion yen. In fiscal 2017, the company embarked on Nissan M.O.V.E. to 2022, a six-year plan targeting a 30% increase in annualized revenues to 16.5 trillion yen by the end of fiscal 2022, along with cumulative free cash flow of 2.5 trillion yen. As part of Nissan M.O.V.E. to 2022, the company plans to extend its leadership in electric vehicles, symbolized by the world's best-selling all-electric vehicle in history, the Nissan LEAF. Nissan’s global headquarters in Yokohama, Japan, manages operations in six regions: Asia & Oceania; Africa, the Middle East & India; China; Europe; Latin America; and North America. Nissan has a global workforce of 247,500 and has been partnered with French manufacturer Renault since 1999. In 2016, Nissan acquired a 34% stake in Mitsubishi Motors. Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi is today the world’s largest automotive partnership, with combined sales of more than 10.6 million vehicles in calendar year 2017.

For more information about our products, services and commitment to sustainable mobility, visit You can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn and see all our latest videos on YouTube.


Honoured Member
Jan 16, 2016
Nissan India Introduces New Finance Schemes And Pick-Up & Drop Service

Nissan India has introduced a new car finance schemes and pick-up & drop service to ensure customers don't need to come visit dealerships and workshops and avoid physical contact. The Japanese carmaker has partnered with various financial institutions and is now offering a range of schemes offering paperless payment of car loans, special offers for women car loan applicants and professional based products for salaried, self-employed, Government & Public Sector Units (PSU) employees, police and the agriculture sector.

Thread Starter #30


Honoured Member
Sep 7, 2014
Delhi-NCR/ Mumbai
Nissan India posts a growth of +6% in FY20

  • Nissan achieves a wholesale of 4012 vehicles for March 2021
  • Nissan delivers financial year growth of +6%
Nissan President & MD with the all-new Nissan Magnite.jpg

NEW DELHI, India (April 1, 2021) –
On the strength of the newly launched all-new Nissan Magnite and its existing product offerings in India, Nissan India has had an all-model wholesale of a total of 4012 vehicles in March 2021.

The ‘Carismatic’ all-new Nissan Magnite was launched with on 2nd December 2020, alongside which Nissan India strengthened its customer-centric services with highly trained channel partners, virtual showroom and an end-to-end digital ecosystem. It is in line with the Nissan NEXT strategy to prioritize and invest in the Indian market for sustainable growth.

With the unprecedented pandemic challenging demand & supply, the industry declined in FY20. Nissan, with its transformational plan of Nissan NEXT, has grown by 6% for the year on the tremendous customer response for the game changer – all-new Nissan Magnite with its Big, Bold, Beautiful value proposition and the support of its partners. Going forward into the new financial year, we look forward to maintaining this growth momentum,” said Rakesh Srivastava, Managing Director, Nissan Motor India.

Nissan India has also introduced ‘Nissan Express Service’ to deliver a quick and comprehensive service experience in just 90-minutes. Nissan will extend the service reach to its customers by conducting “Nissan Service Clinics” in 100+ upcountry locations. Nissan customers may book services and even check costs online through the Nissan Service Cost Calculator via Nissan Service Hub (website) or Nissan Connect, bringing utmost transparency to the process supported by Nissan’s 24/7 Roadside Assistance available in over 1500 cities*.

Keeping the health and safety of its customers in mind, Nissan’s ‘Convenience of Doorstep Service’ follows firm standard operating procedures to provide customers with best car service without having to leave their home. Nissan India also offers ‘Pick-up & Drop-off’ services of Nissan cars to and from dealerships which mitigates the risk of infection and minimizes disruptions in the schedule of customers.

The discerning Indian customer also has an opportunity to experience the first-in-industry digital ecosystem that provides an interactive and immersive product experience with the following elements:

  • The Vehicle Configurator that provides a seamless exterior and interior experience of all grades, powertrain and feature combinations including the ‘Tech Pack’
  • End-to-end E-commerce from bookings to deliveries, including the finance process

The all-new Nissan Magnite is currently available for bookings across all Nissan India dealerships and on its website, NISSAN, at continued special introductory prices on most of the variants till further notice, with a complete digital experience that awaits each customer to ease their buying process. It is available in 20 grade line-ups and over 36 combinations, each grade walk is carefully curated to meet the aspirations of the discerning Indian customers.
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