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System G / System D are additives used with the fuel. System G is used for petrol cars and System D for diesel cars. Iftex is the most renowned brand which is widely used. The petrol/diesel are not always of the best of quality mostly in the highway pumps which are not always very dependable, these additives keep the injectors clean and hence enhances performance.
Car companies also do recommend using these additives.
I used it this time in my long trip and i did feel a difference in the smoothness of the car and got an enhanced mileage as well.
The composition ratio is 1ml of System G/D for 1 ltr of petrol/diesel.
Lets discuss our experiences and views on this..
Car companies also do recommend using these additives.
I used it this time in my long trip and i did feel a difference in the smoothness of the car and got an enhanced mileage as well.
The composition ratio is 1ml of System G/D for 1 ltr of petrol/diesel.
Lets discuss our experiences and views on this..