Poor Mileage Woes in Hyundai Verna

Thread Starter #16
Sep 4, 2011
Mumbai MH01/MH46
they did that test today and reported it as 22kmpl while the cars mid was showing 10kmpl they connected a kit which had markings test was done with ac at 70-80 speed i wasnt allowed to drive, a mechanic was on the rear with the kit and there was a bit fo traffic.
i dont get it arai claims 17 i got 9 on 7 tankfulls
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Dec 1, 2011
ARAI tests vehicles from a batch and all other vehicles are manufactured to the same standards using the same standard parts which should give the standard results. However there may be a variance in one of the parts used or in the assembly chain due to which one of the cars may show a varied performance than that of a standard car. When this happens the particular car is termed as defective.

Now your car manufacturer must test/check a car for its performance if a variance is reported and should admit a fault if such is found. However since most of the car buyers are not well versed in the Process of Quality control and secondly since the buyer has to go through a lot of hassle if the matter is tackled legally, some of the manufacturers or sometimes it is a rogue dealer too who may try to browbeat the customer into accepting a defective piece. In such cases they will classically use the Jargon which is not understood by a layman and pressurise the customer in accepting and living with the defect.

However having said that, it also may be the fault of the customer in many cases.

If the test was conducted under standard conditions and you did witness the amount of fuel (this is important) and the distance covered, then you really dont stand a chance and should accept the results, however you can always ask them informally as to what may be the cause of low mileage. In case if you still are not satisfied, please inform them that as a customer's right, you shall have the vehicle tested by a third party authorised service centre (such as Mahindra 1st Choice) and that by doing this you are not forfeiting any of the warranty claims and if they do have a problem with this testing and if this forfeits your warranty they should inform you in writing saying this explicitly. Please let them know that if such a test does prove their claims false, all the costs for the tests and repairs if any shall be on account of the manufcaturer since the vehicle is within warranty.
Thread Starter #18
Sep 4, 2011
Mumbai MH01/MH46
see biddu i can accept there will be minor variances in different cars of the same model but here how can there be a major variance with fuel fed from the tank and the kit and also after 22kms the kit dropped to the 1 litre marking while the mid shows 10kmpl.

i have told them that i will get the car checked at another private garage and if issues are found will have them make a report and suggest what they feel is the issue. the warranty incharge guy is fine with that.
biddu is a 1600cc gasoline engine ever capable of giving 22kmpl?
after that test i left from there with 2 litres fo fuel in the tank i filled a 1litre bottle with fuel drove till my tank was empty and engine stopped added 1 litre and drove for 10kms till the engine died again and filled my tank up and the mid says 10 this is highway run.

can you provide me the address of mahindra first choice garage around navi mumbai
Dec 1, 2011

I would suggest that you get the address from the net since I do not have it for Navi Mumbai. In fact there may be other third party authorised service centers in Navi Mumbai who service Verna.

I usually go to the Thane Service center located in Kothari compd., near Tikuji ni Wadi, off Ghodbunder Road.

Thread Starter #22
Sep 4, 2011
Mumbai MH01/MH46
anyways thanks alot for being a real big help.
would you suggest i change my oil to synthetic in a few kms as the first oil change is at 10k kms and that is 4k kms away
Dec 1, 2011

Change Oil at the given interval, Mineral Oil is perfectly Ok till the recommended change. Why waste money by changing early when not needed?

Thread Starter #24
Sep 4, 2011
Mumbai MH01/MH46
biddu synth oil will set me back around 4k. its been 2and half months since i got the car and have spent 28k on petrol. well as u say ill wait till the interval
Dec 31, 2011
Tacoma, Washington, USA
As to poor mileage, have you checked the easy stuff? How is the air filter? How much air is in the tires? Does the car need a front end alignment? Are the brakes (any or all) hotter than the others when you are through driving? All these things can greatly reduce fuel mileage if not correct.

As to the rich mixture in the engine, a dirty air filter can contribute to that. I would pull out the spark plugs and look at the color on the tips. If they are tan to light brown, then all is fine with the mixture. If they are dull black, then that indicates too rich a mixture. If they are shiny black, that indicates oil in the cylinder. Once you have checked out the easy stuff, then we can dig deeper to find the problem.
Thread Starter #26
Sep 4, 2011
Mumbai MH01/MH46
the air filter is pretty clean the car has done 4000kms i cleant the air filter myself 1000kms back. air is according to the recommend pressure 32psi when cold. no alignment needed as the car continues in a straight-line when the steering is left. Checked the brakes no unusual wear and the disc don't seem hotter then the others.
the spark plugs were removed and checked it was light brown cleant and gap checked was according to manufacturer at 1.1mm throttle body was cleant o2 sensor as well as maf sensor checked.
still the issue is the same it has been so since i got the car but the workshop refuses to accept there is any issue with my car. other guys with the same variant and fuel type but lesser kms on the odo get 6.2l/100kms with more of city stop and go traffic included while i get 10l/100kms with less city stop and go situations and more freeways. i tried driving at
50mph as well as 45mph no difference even if i drive at 65mph its the same.
tried fuels from regular to premium to high octanes just high octanes give me a minute difference

i also face suspension issues with the car. the rear has violent bounces after i go over speed humps or potholes as well as popping noises, the shocks and springs have been changed but no difference felt, the front makes this squeaking noises after i drive the car for a bit

Mods: can you change the thread name to ' Poor mileage and suspension issues in the new hyundai verna' so that i get my suspension issue solved in the same thread itself
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