ndian oil and Spectrum energy (Warana Nagar) has recently started CBG (Compressed Bio Gas) supply for CNG vehicals. Location of the gas filling center is
"Indian Oil Pump, Srikrishna Saraswati Agencies, Amrut Nagar Fata, New Pargaon, Near to Warana Dudh Sangh, Contact No. 0230 2478139 / 9923270490″, also you can refer below pamphlet as well. It is located on 9 kms from Kini-Wathar phata on NH48 (old NH4) (after Kini Toll Plaza). After you leave Karad, you can set the google map on your mobile to reach to this Gas filling station, it will show you the alternate route (Via Chikurde or Ghunaki), which can bypass the Kini Toll Plaza (Saving 75 rupees :)). Indian Oil has yet not declared the opening of this CBG filling station officially (which is expected after Maharashtra State assembly Elections going to be held in October 2019), as they want to invite union minister of petroleum department, as this is a first CBG (Compressed Bio Gas) filling station in India for vehicles.
Current rate per kg - 56.95 rupees (45 paise extra than Pune, which is fine)
Gas filling pressure is maintained above 200