Need Advice: Speed / Xtra Premium Petrol Vs Normal Petrol

Jul 18, 2011
Yup your correct

But however there are some cars that require Premium unleaded Specially with the cars that are coming into market with Petrol turbo charged engines. Its just a start for Turbo petrol engines in India , but if the companies are saying use normal petrol than I would recommend personally a higher octane fuel for them as they are better for the engine. Normal 91 octane is okay but if you keep using it your engine life might go down 50,000 KMS less than whats its usual life is.

For normal cars you can add 98 octane fuel to clean injectors etc.

Some premium cars such as Mazda 6 , BMW , Mercedes VW Jetta DSG (petrol turbo) , Audi quattro (petrol turbo AWD) needs to have premium because thats what they recommend.
Feb 19, 2012
Yup your correct

But however there are some cars that require Premium unleaded Specially with the cars that are coming into market with Petrol turbo charged engines. Its just a start for Turbo petrol engines in India , but if the companies are saying use normal petrol than I would recommend personally a higher octane fuel for them as they are better for the engine. Normal 91 octane is okay but if you keep using it your engine life might go down 50,000 KMS less than whats its usual life is.

For normal cars you can add 98 octane fuel to clean injectors etc.
Some premium cars such as Mazda 6 , BMW , Mercedes VW Jetta DSG (petrol turbo) , Audi quattro (petrol turbo AWD) needs to have premium because thats what they recommend.
@ codename47: Just using petrol of higher octane than that recommended by a car manufacturer does not help in cleaning injectors etc. Using 98 RON (Research Octane Number) petrol in a BS-III or BS-IV compliant car whose engine is designed for 91 RON petrol will not serve any purpose.

Rather, premium petrol of 91 RON (eg. Speed from Bharat Petroleum) would help to clean fuel injectors etc as it contains certain additives which work like detergents and remove carbon deposits.

Just my 2 cents [:)]
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May 31, 2012
Most of the CBUs need high octane petrol. But the manufacturers are trying their level best to avoid engines that need high octane petrol (for India). Turbo charged petrols will definitely be much better performers with high octane petrols. Their fuel injection systems are created with high octane petrol in mind. But the non-availability of high octane fuel is a big problem in India. So they don't introduce engines that run only on high octane fuel in those cars that have decent sales figures. Most of their engines in India can run on normal petrol as well. But as you said they are created to run on high octane petol and they should be running on high octane petrol.

The V6 engine introduced in the Superb was one such engine that required high octane petrol. Not many were sold [:D].

The easy way to clean the injectors is to fill fuel with additives (premium fuel in India [:D]).

People talk a lot about high octane petrol but I don't see anyone talking about cetane number of diesel. It's another interesting topic.
Jul 18, 2011
@ codename47: Just using petrol of higher octane than that recommended by a car manufacturer does not help in cleaning injectors etc. Using 98 RON (Research Octane Number) petrol in a BS-III or BS-IV compliant car whose engine is designed for 91 RON petrol will not serve any purpose.

Rather, premium petrol of 91 RON (eg. Speed from Bharat Petroleum) would help to clean fuel injectors etc as it contains certain additives which work like detergents and remove carbon deposits.

Just my 2 cents [:)]
Not sure if that is what you call a premium with 91 octane in India because In australia we have 4 different kind of petrols
91 Octane Unleaded
95 Premium
98 Octane V power / BP ultimate
100 Octane Premium Race fuel

In Premium luxury cars such as Accord and Mazda 6 , Lexus IS series and GS series they advise to use premium so 95 is okay

but for Sports cars they say 98 octane / 100 octane only .

To clean the injectors for premium car we use Injector cleaner liquid that goes into the petrol tank for premium cars , but for cars where unleaded is required putting in 91 octane , if you introduce a tank of 98 octane , it will definitely get rid of all the carbon deposits and clean injectors

for more info on engine running smooth etc etc click

Coles Express | Shell Fuel | V-Power
Feb 19, 2012
Not sure if that is what you call a premium with 91 octane in India because In australia we have 4 different kind of petrols
91 Octane Unleaded
95 Premium
98 Octane V power / BP ultimate
100 Octane Premium Race fuel

In Premium luxury cars such as Accord and Mazda 6 , Lexus IS series and GS series they advise to use premium so 95 is okay

but for Sports cars they say 98 octane / 100 octane only .

To clean the injectors for premium car we use Injector cleaner liquid that goes into the petrol tank for premium cars , but for cars where unleaded is required putting in 91 octane , if you introduce a tank of 98 octane , it will definitely get rid of all the carbon deposits and clean injectors

for more info on engine running smooth etc etc click

Coles Express | Shell Fuel | V-Power
@codename47: I refer to one of the links provided by you, part of which is reproduced below.

"Why should I use it?
Cleans your engine as you drive.
Shell V-Power contains powerful cleaning technology, developed to help enhance everyday driving performance and responsiveness. These cleaning components are designed to prevent the build up of power-robbing inlet valve deposits and to help remove those which may have been left behind by other fuels."

It is apparent from the above that it is not the higher octane petrol by itself that helps in cleaning. Rather, it is the cleaning components (additives) which are mixed in petrol which help in cleaning.

AFAIK, octane rating is a measure of resistance of an engine to knocking and has nothing to do with cleaning of fuel injectors etc. If one uses, say, 87 octane petrol in an engine designed for 91 octane petrol, it would cause knocking of the engine. However, if one uses 98 octane petrol in an engine designed for 91 octane, it would work fine just like 91 Octane petrol without knocking.
Jun 14, 2012
Normal petrol = no or very little additives.
Premium petrol = Normal petrol + additives

This is in India. The definitions are different in other countries.

I strongly suggest you fill only normal petrol unless the manufacturer has recommended a specific grade of petrol in the owners manual. The engines in India are designed for normal Indian petrol. Also, they are tested with normal Indian petrol.

I wouldn't buy a car (in India) that demands a specific grade of petrol (other than normal petrol) because the premium petrol in India is not consistent across all brands.

Jul 18, 2011
@codename47: I refer to one of the links provided by you, part of which is reproduced below.

"Why should I use it?
Cleans your engine as you drive.
Shell V-Power contains powerful cleaning technology, developed to help enhance everyday driving performance and responsiveness. These cleaning components are designed to prevent the build up of power-robbing inlet valve deposits and to help remove those which may have been left behind by other fuels."

It is apparent from the above that it is not the higher octane petrol by itself that helps in cleaning. Rather, it is the cleaning components (additives) which are mixed in petrol which help in cleaning.

AFAIK, octane rating is a measure of resistance of an engine to knocking and has nothing to do with cleaning of fuel injectors etc. If one uses, say, 87 octane petrol in an engine designed for 91 octane petrol, it would cause knocking of the engine. However, if one uses 98 octane petrol in an engine designed for 91 octane, it would work fine just like 91 Octane petrol without knocking.
Same goes for BP ultimate and Vortex Premium as well if you check their website.
There are some standards in Australia that you have to meet otherwise your just misleading people by saying PREMIUM for a petrol.

Knocking can be the case but for Turbocharged engine even if its not recommended , should always use 98 octane . When you buy a car in Australia the dealer explains it to you.

There is a reason that your paying 15 Cents extra per litre [:)]

@ Rafian - I agree , in India it might not be consistent across the board in India , but where I live it has to be [:)]

Just to give you an idea of how it works, This 1992 Skyline R32 GT-R has written in Engine PREMIUM UNLEADED 2.6 Litre Twin Turbo, thats how some engines are even if you pick a 20 year old car.


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Sep 15, 2009
This link from Bharath Petroleum might provide more info about both:

Do check this out as well:

Does branded petrol really give you that extra mile?
Pradeep Thakur & Sanjay Dutta | TNN

New Delhi: Next time you pay Rs 2 extra per litre to tank up on branded petrol, you are probably being taken for a ride. For, the state-run oil marketing companies have failed to back up their claim of this fuel giving higher mileage and better engine performance before the Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Commission (MRTPC).
Not just that, the oil companies have also been unable to explain how they have reached the price mechanism in case of branded fuel. MRTPC had asked the companies to “clarify the quantitative difference between normal fuel and branded fuel along with supportive documents.’’
The query, however, failed to get the companies to furnish anything more than letters from additive suppliers in support their claim. While the additive suppliers, the Singapore branch of Chevron and Oronite, have spoken about the benefits of branded fuel, it has failed to impress the Commission as it doesn’t regard the suppliers as non-partial authority; on the contrary they are viewed as vested interests.
The suppliers’ certificates do not talk about any test having been carried out on branded petrol. On branded diesel, they says the use of these fuel “ensures a lower flow loss than worldwide norm”. The certificates are silent on extra mileage. The failure to get the right tests done is not for want of facilities. The government-run Automotive Research Association of India (ARAI) is said to be a competent authority for such tests.
The MRTPC approached the ARAI to check if it has any view on the branded fuels. But the association told the Commission that it doesm’t have results of any tests as it was never asked to carry out “any branded fuel evaluation test.’’
Oil company executives told TOI these additives are globally certified by independent labs and accepted in US and European markets. “The results clearly showed improved drivability and maintenance cycle,’’ one senior IndianOil R&D executive said. Branded fuels come with added chemicals, which, the companies claim, help reduce engine friction and improve performance. While oil marketers are free to decide prices of such fuels within a band, the government controls the prices of normal fuels and had kept their price artificially low during crude’s climb to a peak of $147/barrel in mid-July.
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Sep 4, 2011
Mumbai MH01/MH46
this is what happens in india we aren't even sure if the fuel coming out from the premium fuel dispenser is really the advertised one or the regular gasoline.
Feb 3, 2012
Deccan Plateau
Every car /bike owners manual mentions about which fuel is to be used along with chemical specification.
Better to follow it .Car manufacturer know their car engine better than anybody else.
What say?
Nov 26, 2012
Hello TAI'ans,

I am shortly buying my first Petrol car.

I wanted to know which petrol is recommended for filling in (Speed/Xtra Premium Vs Unleaded Petrol)

What are its benefits and disadvantages or need a comparo between the two.
Use unleaded petrol. these adhesives reduces engine life,and dont be a fool this super petrol is expensive and you will get the same mileage with ordinary petrol with the excess amount you spend for this super petrol. hope you got the point.
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Aug 17, 2014
Query regarding petrol rating and effectiveness branded petrol

Hello friends and fellow motorists

I hope this is the correct section for my queries.

I need a little clarification on the following two matters:

1. What is the octane rating of unbranded petrol (normal petrol) sold by IOCL?

2. Is the Xtra premium petrol sold by IOCL is any way beneficial for the engine and does it really improve the mileage (for TATA Zest specifically, as it has turbocharged engine, and that's what I drive at present)?

Thank you all.
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