Dont put new front glass tints during monsoons for those buying new cars! This will affect the visibility. Put after monsoons if you want to!
Get wheel caps for your ride(the clip ones) as the inner four or five bolts are saved from getting rusted! (It may sound silly but it works
Get mudflaps for your ride! It may not reduce the dirtyness of your car but will save the body edges from getting rusted!(atleast the front part)
Concentrate on your road/lane instead of looking to the oncoming cars headlights! This will cause blindness for few seconds. (so, NAZAR HATI, DURGHATNA GHATI!)
Check for reflectors at theback of your car! If not then put some radium thing, small or big in your rear glass (so that it can be removed easily afterwards), for other driver for warning! This will let the other drivers to know that there is some one ahed!
During Heavy rains use your Hazard lights, front and rear fog lights,(if not then atleast for others to get u noticed) and if you are not able to see anything ahead(varies from individual to individual's eye sight) park your car aside and let others go instead of creating a jam!
(NO OFFENCE PLZ: I have seen many aged people with old scrap like cars who stop in between the hways creating jams simply because the are not able to see ahead!)