Hello friends.reached kol yesterday and I thought I should give a summary f my trip asap which could b of help to others planning tge same route. As put in my above post,
Mumbai - nasik - dhule (full stretch excellent road conditions).
Dhule-amravati (bad roads, 2 lane mostly with bad tarmac).
Amravati - Nagpur (excellent roads all along).
Nagpur - raipur ( excellent 4lane toll road).
Raipur - saraipalli ( this is a war one.DONOT come here if ur faint hearted. Terrible is a small word for tge road. It doesn't exist. Not a single pothole..but only craters!! Super sized! Simply horrible. Single lane.dusty. trucks only. V few hotels or dhabas )
Saraipalli - sambalpur ( excellent 4 lane toll road.few diversions into 2 lane)
Sambalpur - keonjhar ( 2 lanes.good tarmac mostly. Through dense forest and 2 Ghats.latter ghat is 30km long. Good tarmac 2 lane. Advisable not to cross post sunset. Unsafe.)
Keonjhar - kharagpur ( war zone!! No roads in the orissa jharkhand border.craters worse than mars.DONOT do it post sunset. V unsafe as suggested by locals)
Khargpur- kol (4 lane expressway.v good tarmac)
Hope this helps.ideally avoid this route.unsafe.bad roads.v few good places to halt. If anyone planning, drop me a message for stopover details.