Can you quote some prices please. AFAIK a lot of Maruti spares are more expensive than other manufacturers.
brake cylinders say swift compared to i20 , i20 is 400 to 500 more
brake shoe/brake pad , maruti uses tvs/kbx , hyundai uses mando , though locally manufactured , priced about 300 more
take the case of bumpers , wagon R bumper cost 1200/- mgp. where as a i10 cost some where near 1600
Every other engine spare , usually a new car doesnt need them all is costlier in hyundai
All manufacturers have authorised spares. As for Maruti's authorised service, they have the quantity but not quality. Hyundai service is also widespread though not as much as Maruti. But then Hyundai's re more reliable too.
MGP too have quality. No company compromise on quality of the spare.
hyndai service is wide spread, but maruti is even more wide spread and also original maruti spares are available at spares , means you can use trusted/ experianced mechanics to fix them. i bet they are far far better than in service. i have seen lot of service station , where a good mechanic is appointed and below him 3 to 5 new ones , who some times do work in a hurry and chief cannot attend all of them though its supposed to be his work .this is with reference to mechanics in hyundai, maruti , mahindra , ford ,tata.
And for the sake of original spares hyundai cars need to be serviced in the hands of unknow mechanic(acceptable) with a huge labour charges(un- acceptable)
Dont ask me where do i get original spares for the hyundai. Though we source its a difficult job plus only slightly lesser than mrp. what people in my garage save is the labour cost at hyundai
Who told you this? All Hyundai small cars are manufactured in India. Even the export versions. In case you buy an i10 or i20 in Korea, the car will come from the plant in India and so will the spares. In fact the Maruti gearboxes have still not been localised and a lot of the components come from Japan.
Rather assembled in india.
say a swift crdi pump , injector common rail have problem , you can service at tvs tata's have from bosh in some cars and tvs in some i hope. but what is in hyndai . i dont even remember that korean name though i have seen several times in my garage.
Lucas tvs head lamps are available for maruti.
Duplicate, but perfect maker- rather not duplicate brand DEPO which manufactures lights for hyundai , lancer , fiat etc and give for some what less price than the original equipment is almost bit costlier than the lucas make for maruti
What extra features does the K10 have over the EON?
No i didnt think about the features.
My views are the cost of ownership after some 3 to 5 years , when the whole of warrenty etc are void.
Looks are subjective. However even I did not like it that much in the pictures but the actual car looks better.