This year is predicted to be an year of Solar peak. There will be Solar storms and Solar flares.
During Storms and flares, temperature levels in earth could shoot up. Flames from the Sun can travel thousands of kms and cause heat waves in planets nearby including our earth.
This year is predicted to be an year of Solar peak. There will be Solar storms and Solar flares.
During Storms and flares, temperature levels in earth could shoot up. Flames from the Sun can travel thousands of kms and cause heat waves in planets nearby including our earth.
There is a chance of Powergrid failures and failure of communication and other man made satellites and thus affecting Broadcasting, Telecommunication and also weather forecast.
Life on Earth as such is not under threat due to this.
But if (only if) the Storms/flares are much more stronger than predicted by scientists, then there is a chance that these storms/flares could hit the magnetosphere so strongly as to flip the Earth's magnetic poles. In such an eventual case, Super Vulcanos waiting to errupt could explode. Result of such Super vulcano explosions could be extremely dangerous for the whole earth. Anyway its only an extreme remote possibility.