@ arnav, Really great cars. Are these FISSMEs ?? But unfortunately, these can't be legally registered for driving on Indian roads. As for a car to be registered, its needed to be manufactured at a proper plant that too licenced (ie Manufacturers like maruti, hyundai etc) The car also needs to be tested by the ARAI for fitness and various other aspects. Whenever a new car model is introduced, the cars are crash-tested, weather tested by different organizations.
So if we want to register a self designed car we'll have to follow a very long and expensive procedure and also keep few same cars for crash testing
![Frustration [frustration] [frustration]](https://www.theautomotiveindia.com/forums/images/smilies/Frustration.gif)
Few days ago I discussed the following points with a Traffic Dept. Person as I was willing to design and make a chopper bike:
According to the MV Act 1988, no alterations regarding 1. Fuel, 2. Color, 3. Extra lights/horns, 4. Structure of the car (wheelbase, height, width), 5. Engine, 6. Seating capacity can be done. Same applies to the two wheelers.
But many of us do these alterations (Sometimes are caught my cops and sometimes are saved)
1. Alteration of fuel
Many omni/taxi owners use LPG kits without endorsing it on the RC book. I have seen many car owners doing the same. Car owners use toroidal (tyre like) LPG tank which is kept in the place of spare wheel and can not be seen by the cops. None of the traffic policemen or police-men ever open the hood to check for a gas kit or to match the chassis/engine/gearbox number.
Reason for this rule: Uncertified/Local make gas kits are dangerous, not only for the driver and the passengers but for the people on road too. Earlier many fuel saving devices were used which are unsafe and cause more emission.
2. Alteration in Color
This is a weak point. If one has different color on RC and different in Car, then the cops may fine him for this. I, too have Silver metallic endorsed in RC while my car is painted white. So many a times I take a long route, rather than passing by the area where strict checking is possible.
Reason for this Rule: If a car owner commits a crime it would be difficult to trace out the person using records. And various other reaons. The base color should be the same as on RC (for eg someone has a red car and red is endorsed in his RC) then the owner can put a vinyl wrap on the hood and roof and also few stickers but the car should be recognized as a RED car.
3. Alteration in Lights and Horns:
After-market driving lights are not allowed. Whereas, OE extra lights (bumper lights like in i-10, swift) are allowed. For cars without any provision of extra lights (Like M-800, Zen etc) Only a pair of fog light (yellow light) is allowed that to is needed to be covered while not in use. No after-market horn/hooter/siren is allowed. In fact if a person with police siren toned reverse horn is caught he may be fined too.
Earlier I had 3 pairs of fog/driving light on my car. I was many a times stopped due to this. At last I removed two pairs. I have also installed a pair of windtone horns. But also have the stock horn.
There is no rule regarding under body lights but, if LED are placed on windshield and cause distraction then the owner may be fined.
Reason for this Rule: Extra lights will cause problem for the on coming traffic. And cyclists/ two wheeler drivers may get distracted by loud horns and lose control over their vehicle.
4. Alteration in structure: This can not be done as altering a car's chassis will weaken it and the vehicle will no longer be safe. Some minor modifications like body kits and suspension upgrades can be done. But if we increase the height/width of a vehicle the center of gravity will change, providing unstability at high speeds.
Reason for this rule: The wheel-base can't be increased ie for converting a bike into chopper as the wheel base is a factor deciding the road tax. In the similar manner the gross weight can also not be changed.
5. Alteration in engine: Many of the restorers use overpowered engines on a old cars. Many commercial vehicles also replace the engines from other vehicles due to various reasons. This if not done properly makes the car unfit to be driven on road. But when such a car is stopped by the cops rarely someone matches the engine number on RC. If condition is severe then only the cops open up the hood.
Reason for this rule: If the engine of a vehicle is dead then the fitness of the vehicle is over so it should be condemned.
Alteration in seating capacity: This is many a times done by omni taxi/school cab operators. Many 3 wheeler drivers use a wooden bench to carry extra kids to school.
Reason for this rule: This can not be done as extra passengers will be extra load on the engine causing more emissions. Also the braking capacity will be reduced due to extra load thus making the vehicle unsafe.
After the discussion I think that engine swap is safe (But till date the vehicle meets an accident and gets thoroughly checked up)