How Scary and Unreliable To Drive is Old Hyundai Verna.

Thread Starter #1
Nov 1, 2010
Today me and my cousin brother were having a walk by road side . discussing about nothing but automobiles as usual. heard a serious honk honk honk sensing the danger we turned back and moved extreme sideways of the road . an oil tanker in its slow and steady state approaching and a Hundai verna overtaking it at high speed (90-100kmph) . Verna did the overtaking part quickly, came to normal lane then it went zig zag zig zag ...screeching .. rotating twice with four wheels on road with lots of smoke and rubber burnt finally fell into roadside ditch..front half still on the road...
couple of moments we both froze to see deathly scene ,just 30-40 meters away from us .
Then we rushed and people whom witnessed too. there came out two young guys at early 20's, out of it totally shivering and dizzy...among us a middle aged man helped them come out and asked are you both alright ..they said yes...and a tight slap to the guy who was driving...he fell on the bonnet. and asked other guy what do you think about road safety other people ? Highway police arrived and they were taken to custody . with car left as it is.

relooking into whole incidence I feel so much scared to see what goes inside that car as far as my little petrol head understanding , if over speeding fault was ignored,then those boys were innocent. it was shear example for me how car lost its balance concerning steering to wheels.
Overtaking part was fine as far as I have seen so I cannot say the boy were bad drivers . they came to back to their lane and were suppose to parallel it to the road when the car went crazy.
I am all left scratching my head [confused].
Aug 22, 2009
Hyundai Verna is an over-rated car. It has got too much power than it can handle. It is best within the city limits.

My neighbor's Verna was once found toppled over trying to avoid a dog within the town limits. No one knew how this could've happened, when the speeds couldn't have been higher.


Core Team
Aug 10, 2009
New Delhi
Although I do agree that Hyundai Verna is not the best handler in its segment but here driver is the one who is to be held responsible for this incidence, considering that he was doing around 100 Kmph in city premises (I assume?). Driving a car is one thing but understanding it and your own limitations is another.

Drive Safe,
Thread Starter #4
Nov 1, 2010
Although I do agree that Hyundai Verna is not the best handler in its segment but here driver is the one who is to be held responsible for this incidence, considering that he was doing around 100 Kmph in city premises (I assume?). Driving a car is one thing but understanding it and your own limitations is another.

Drive Safe,
I do agree about the speed but would it had happened if it was a swift or some other better handling car ..I think no.

Long before I had seen similar incidence with Ambassador where a doctor was the driver , the culprit was the private bus coming from opposite side dint see the car and almost collided . the doctor applied brakes but the car dint stop neither it steered , lost the course and rammed into post sideways.
Feb 2, 2010
Margao, Goa
All Hyundai's are horrible handlers. I've driven the petrol Verna. Though the handling is bad, the power is also low so not a major issue. But it's still scary on the highway. The diesel Verna is a rocket with the same handling that's why it's dangerous. My i10 also suffers from this problem. I've partially rectified it n=by upsizing the tyres and also installing the coil spring assisters. Not that great but a massive improvement.
Apr 17, 2011
All i can say is that they were lucky to get caught!, why to force a machine if its not your good friend, they may be drunk who knows!.
Aug 6, 2011
Meerut, U. P.
Well,I was really shocked on reading the story,still there was my hot favorite scene was also there in the incident.What the scene was?You people know it..its the SLAP!!:biggrin:The guys really deserved one.

Well,friends being true according to my experience here the car alone is not culprit.Okay Verna does not have a confident handling,but then none of the Hyundais have it.One high speed TD of Santa simply forced me to remove this sweet car from my buy list.But still the Hyundai cars are not the bad handlers to this extent.I myself have driven a Hyundai Verna and pushed it to insane limits and if the car was really like this then definitely I would have been dead.

Okay Verna is a bad handler,but then my Laura is also bad.Why?Because despite having equipped with traction control once I myself had made it turn 180 degree on a road due to a foolishness of mine.I took a very sharp cut on gravel good piece of luck was that there was plenty of space and no traffic and hence we were safe.

Coming back to Verna,I think there could be anything like this:-
1):Uneven surface was encountered while changing the lane with high steering input.
2):The tyres were bald or say had no grip.Especially the front ones.
3):There was some sand,gravel or some other slippery(even very less slippery)thing on that patch of road in a very small quantity that it was not observed by the drivers.Small quantity of sand,gravel+low grippy tyres+high steering input=the hell on the road.
Feb 2, 2012
I agree with TSIVipul and also what i think is that it may be due to bald tires or sand/gravel on the road. But atleast they are safe. That is what matters the most.
Thread Starter #9
Nov 1, 2010
I agree with TSIVipul and also what i think is that it may be due to bald tires or sand/gravel on the road. But atleast they are safe. That is what matters the most.
As myself was the witness tires were of good condition. everything happened so quickly .

What I believe is after the overtaking and coming back to lane they did hard acceleration may be for fun or trying the might and the car pushed too much forward for the steering input, when they tried to control it was too late.

Road was good and I think they were not drunk. didnt look like drink n drive type. they looked more like from well to do family,with good social background but for this unfortunate Incident they had to face - over speeding.!!
Feb 2, 2012
As myself was the witness tires were of good condition. everything happened so quickly .

What I believe is after the overtaking and coming back to lane they did hard acceleration may be for fun or trying the might and the car pushed too much forward for the steering input, when they tried to control it was too late.

Road was good and I think they were not drunk. didnt look like drink n drive type. they looked more like from well to do family,with good social background but for this unfortunate Incident they had to face - over speeding.!!
Actually you may be right buddy with that hard acceleration part. Because it happened to me once, i mean not accident and also i was driving my 118 NE. I was taking a turn and before the car could come parallel to road i did pounded the accelerator[;)] and my car did went zig zag a bit. But at that time i was learning to drive.
Aug 6, 2011
Meerut, U. P.
As myself was the witness tires were of good condition. everything happened so quickly .

What I believe is after the overtaking and coming back to lane they did hard acceleration may be for fun or trying the might and the car pushed too much forward for the steering input, when they tried to control it was too late.

Road was good and I think they were not drunk. didnt look like drink n drive type. they looked more like from well to do family,with good social background but for this unfortunate Incident they had to face - over speeding.!!
Well,this case of car turning due to excessive acceleration occurs mostly in RWD cars,in case of front wheel driven cars this does not happen only in case the driver is a nonsense guy,then anything can happen.
I too many times overtake and take turns with bursts of acceleration yes the car needs some special steering input as it tends to run forward instead of turning but that is also encountered with slight steering input.
In this case either they have given very high steering input giving jerks to the gas pedal or something else went kaput.
Also,there is one more chance,they would have played with the handbrake or it was slightly applied(I remember this used to happen to me when I was learning how to play with handbrake).

But believe me buddy,Verna may be a bad handler,but not to this extent that it will loose control for no reason.It has still got enough control that you may get scared but at last it comes under control.
Sep 12, 2009
As per jayadev , i hope there is enough road to drive.

It must be kind of highway , since no one in a city could overtake at 100kmph in city.

More over it came back to lane as much fast as possible - sign of good driver.

This is pure case of handling failure , either the guy was new to Verna or did not have practiced handling it.

Zig zags screeching etc shows he has worked till last moment of his panic situation.
pure case of lost control , esp the zig zag. since he has tried to make the car come back to normal.

Once a accident happens , how could the old man as you say could man handle him - he deserve a slap back , may be a case - JALEX could help in this matter.

What ever happened has happened. From the post , and you being a petrol head , i feel from what you say is , they were driving at possible fast speed , but not rashly.
Thread Starter #13
Nov 1, 2010
ilango[speed thirst];138765 said:
As per jayadev , i hope there is enough road to drive.

It must be kind of highway , since no one in a city could overtake at 100kmph in city.
It is not in city I never mentioned it inside city. but suburbs. we cannot even crawl in city roads such is the the condition in kerala.

More over it came back to lane as much fast as possible - sign of good driver.

This is pure case of handling failure , either the guy was new to Verna or did not have practiced handling it.

Zig zags screeching etc shows he has worked till last moment of his panic situation.
pure case of lost control , esp the zig zag. since he has tried to make the car come back to normal.
Agreed . I think out of panic he braked hard. It is still unbelievable to see the car rotate on its own axis .

Once a accident happens , how could the old man as you say could man handle him - he deserve a slap back , may be a case - JALEX could help in this matter.
That is the scenario in kerala . slap ,beat thrash the drivers no matter whos fault it is especially towards the private bus drivers and private car owners.people in thier own locality when in crowd believes they are supreme authority. people do not dare to touch the taxi and auto owners as they have some union.

What ever happened has happened. From the post , and you being a petrol head , i feel from what you say is , they were driving at possible fast speed , but not rashly.
Yes, the is the only reason I had to start this thread . being a witness I can assure they were not driving rashly . but some of you may know the pressure to overtake 50ft oil tankers. they neither go fast nor they give side to overtake .only way is press the pedal when you find a gap. here IMO they might have seen the gap from distance and hastened .

It was so unfortunate for the boys that even highway police patrol arrived on the spot .
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