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As the title suggests, i needs some urgent help from our fellow friends residing in Trivandrum.
A bit of the background first, we used to drive down to Trivandrum once in a quarter previously but this time due to the time constraint i am taking a flight.
So what are the options for me if i have to hire a self drive car for about a week, i just need a bare basic car no fancy stuff. Can you suggest a place or a person from whom i can hire?
As the title suggests, i needs some urgent help from our fellow friends residing in Trivandrum.
A bit of the background first, we used to drive down to Trivandrum once in a quarter previously but this time due to the time constraint i am taking a flight.
So what are the options for me if i have to hire a self drive car for about a week, i just need a bare basic car no fancy stuff. Can you suggest a place or a person from whom i can hire?