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Hello petrolheads.!
I am kenden. Just was going through old mails and found an invitation to join this forum. I wonder how i skipped this. Well! better late than never. Hence i joined just. BTW thanks for the invitations.
I am a LR fan, hence the id. In fact i own one, a rare, and only one in India, a '72 LR Series lightweight.
Hope I make my visit a worth while to fellow members and also learn something new in the process.
Once again, Thanks Mods for the invitation.
I am kenden. Just was going through old mails and found an invitation to join this forum. I wonder how i skipped this. Well! better late than never. Hence i joined just. BTW thanks for the invitations.
I am a LR fan, hence the id. In fact i own one, a rare, and only one in India, a '72 LR Series lightweight.
Hope I make my visit a worth while to fellow members and also learn something new in the process.
Once again, Thanks Mods for the invitation.