You’re looking to import what car and from which country? Some tempting used cars cost cheap in nations like Japan but Indian custom duties become a spoilsport.
Volkswagen Beetle is available in India. It’ll be cheaper to get a second hand rather than importing one. However, the problem is that it’s petrol and quite rare to find.
It more or less depends on the purpose of importing a vehicle. You can import a car under EPCG scheme in case it’s for commercial purpose. However, if bringing for personal use, then it’s a different ball game. There are several strings attached when it comes to importing a second hand car to India. Most feasible option is to import a brand new considering one has sufficient budget since various taxes and duties end up making a car more than double of its actual price. There are some well-known dealerships (such as Magus Cars which is located in Delhi) that take care of the hassles involved in importing a new car to India. You might want to approach them for further information.