Looks lovely.
Would be wonderful to be there on a rainy day!!
Hey buddy on nandi hills racing will be going.
All modified cars like zen, Esteem , Fiesta will do racing in that small and curvy road.
All fast bikes come there for a jolly ride.
During rains it will be fun.
Nice curves as the one in ooty.
I love to drive in my Scorpio on weekends to this place.
But you visited as a toddler was fun hearing that
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Nice work mukesh, Keep that coming. It would help everyone who plan to visit Bangalore. I've also been there around 3-4 Years back but didn't had so nice time like expected and it was mainly due to local'ites (Including Taxi Guys) language problem. Don't they know other languages apart from Kannada? But fortunately some of our relatives were residing there, otherwise things would have been messed up. Also, Since I didn't had any idea about tourism places, So just visited "Forum" Shopping Mall and continued to Mysoore / Ooty.
Drive Safe,
May be here and there you may find people not knowing other languages.
Vibhor you wont believe, People here speak all indian languages.
Where as in Chennai or Pune you have to speak their own languages.
Bangalore is the only city which manages all kinds of languages.
In Pune if you ask for direction people only answer if you speak marathi, Else they will make you roam .
My dad knows marathi , Hence we were saved during that Shirdi trip.
Yes buddy Forum mall was the 1st mall in Bangalore.
It started in 2001. It has PVR cinemas.
Now there are countless malls in Bangalore.
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Hey buddy good job by you .
You have taken a nice pics of tiger.