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The One & Only Automotive Community in India which brings you all exclusive updates, this time brought you exclusive coverage of Amaron Season 3 Karting Challenge - National level students hunt.
2nd round of Amaron Racing Challenge held in Chennai today with 64 young contenders on track. Only 6 will be shortlisted for the final event & the first three will be getting all paid trip to Hyderabad for the final event on Feb 7th 2011.
Amaron conducts this event in all tier 1 & tier2 cities & eyes for 54 racers across the country. 11800 students from Chennai participated & only 3 fastest on track will make it to Hyderabad.
Kart Attack, ECR, Chennai
About the Kart
This kart has an 120cc Subaru Engine which produces 9 bhp & it has been detuned to 7bhp for Chennai track. Final Event will have 9bhp heart on grid.
2nd round of Amaron Racing Challenge held in Chennai today with 64 young contenders on track. Only 6 will be shortlisted for the final event & the first three will be getting all paid trip to Hyderabad for the final event on Feb 7th 2011.
Amaron conducts this event in all tier 1 & tier2 cities & eyes for 54 racers across the country. 11800 students from Chennai participated & only 3 fastest on track will make it to Hyderabad.
Kart Attack, ECR, Chennai
About the Kart
This kart has an 120cc Subaru Engine which produces 9 bhp & it has been detuned to 7bhp for Chennai track. Final Event will have 9bhp heart on grid.
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